Simple lists with bullet lists




I've been out of touch with the newsgroup for a while (now that I am
paid for a living) so I haven't been keeping up with all the troubles
with word XP's numbering. Sorry if you've all been over this one
before, but.....

I have created a style which is a simple numbered list (not outline)
and it works fine. I can restart numbering whenever I choose. I also
created a bulleted list style. This also appears to work fine. But
here is the problem; when I have a numbered list followed by a
bulleted list followed by another numbered list I cannot restart the
numbering of the second numbered list. That radio button is greyed
out. It will only continue from the numbered list above. The only way
to get the numbering to restart is to change the bulleted list back to
the normal style, then restart the numbered list then change the style
back to bullet list.

Am I looking at a corrupted numbered list style ? or have I just not
set up the styles properly ?

As ever, I appreciate the help

Bruce Brown

Hi Ben and Suzanne -

Suzanne's method will work perfectly provided that bulleted lists are
always followed by numbered lists, numbered lists by bulleted lists,
etc., in an unvarying leapfrog pattern.

However, should one numbered list follow another and the second
require re-starting, it will still have to be restarted manually the
way you're doing now.

If this is the case, Margaret Aldis's hidden LISTNUM field method is a
foolproof way to go. Margaret recommends that at the end of the last
paragraph in numbered list A, just before the paragraph mark, you put
in a LISTNUM field in white color font (can also be done in hidden
font) like so:

{ LISTNUM \S 0 }

Now, no matter what comes between A and B -- bulleted lists, other
numbering styles, etc. -- list B cannot be fooled into starting at any
number other than 1.

A secondary advantage of Margaret's method is that re-started lists
will always retain their re-start values when copied and pasted
elsewhere. That cannot be said of the supposedly E-Z re-start method
you're using now. Try copying and pasting your re-started lists more
than once and you'll see how quickly Word forgets that they were
supposed to re-start. - Bruce


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