Simple Macro!



Hey hi,

it seem odd but since i've never used any macros , i was wondering if
someone can help me out.

I was going thru the samples in Office suite, and came across a macro code
that would enable a person to put a chart straight in to ppt file.

here it goes:

This example copies the chart from the Chart Labels sheet into a new
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

Sub MS_PowerPoint()
Dim ppt As Object, pres As Object
'Create a Microsoft PowerPoint session
Set ppt = CreateObject("powerpoint.application")
'Copy the chart on the Chart Labels Demo sheet
Worksheets("Chart Labeling").ChartObjects(1).Copy
'Create a new document in Microsoft PowerPoint
Set pres = ppt.Presentations.Add
'Add a slide
pres.Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutBlank
'Make PowerPoint visible
ppt.Visible = True
'Activate PowerPoint
AppActivate ppt.Name
'Paste the chart
Set ppt = Nothing
End Sub

Now i've the code but i dont know how to implement it. Please advise as i'd
be really greatful



Hi Jim,

In powerpoint, go to the grey menu space up the top, right click and select
Visual Basic from the menu. This will open a vb menu. Select code and the
Insert>Module. Now paste this code into the white screen that opens. Press
F5 to run the code. I think from reading the code that it requires other
demo sheets, possible excel, to run.

Hope this helps

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