Slow Reports


Ivan Molesworth

I agree that at design time and during import of reports, Access 2007 can be excessively slow.

There must be some huge bugs in the coding of Office 2007.

GPD wrote:

ACCESS 2007 Report desig

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Previous Posts In This Thread:

On 04 April 2008 00:07
Allen Browne wrote:

There's a wide range of things this could be, but you've already dealt with
There is a wide range of things this could be, but you have already dealt wit
some of the more obvious ones

What is the source for this report? For example, if it is a crosstab query
Access has to

On 04 April 2008 03:14
anthony wrote:

Access 2007 intensely slow in report design
Access 2007 is becoming almost unusable because it takes so long t
design a report. You click on a control to move it, or whatever, an
you end up staring at the hour glass. I have seen some solution

On 04 April 2008 04:26
Allen Browne wrote:

Okay, Anthony. That's not my experience of A2007.
Okay, Anthony. That's not my experience of A2007
IME, A2007 is a little slower than A2007, but not critically so

You've probably read Tony's Performance FAQ for Access

On 05 April 2008 21:51
anthony wrote:

The reports are based on queries but not crosstab ones - just simpleones that
The reports are based on queries but not crosstab ones - just simpl
ones that execute immediately. Also, this behaviour is not limited t
a single report; it seems to apply generally to all report de

On 13 April 2008 10:30
anthony wrote:

Sorry for the late reply.
Sorry for the late reply. Thanks so much for the advice; I am comforte
to learn that it is not usual for Access 2007 to be so slow. I di
wonder at one point whether it was related to the rich text n

On 18 September 2008 10:47
daft wrote:

Access 2007 intensely slow in report design
Sorry to dig this thread up from the dead but did anyone get a solution to this

Like Anthony, I have got a brand new Dell notebook with 4GB RAM, am trying to work on a report in design view but ever

On 10 November 2008 00:55
bobski casiple wrote:

Report Design Very Slow Response
In response to this question, there is no problem with access 2007 and there is no need to decompile and compile your database just to get rid of the slowing down of the system. The only solution thi

On 08 May 2009 23:08
GPD wrote:

ACCESS 2007 Report desig
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