Slow response time for running Access report over Citrix



We have an Access .mdb file which contains reports that retrieve data from a
database on SQL Server. The Access file is launched from within a seperate
application that is published on Citrix. I have one report set up that
retrieves the results instantly when I run it through a local copy of the
Access .mdb file on my desktop. However, as soon as I try to run the same
report over Citrix, it takes almost 5 minutes to complete. We do not have
any problems with the rest of the reports in the Access .mdb file. Any
suggestions on where I start looking to fix this? (Unfortunately getting rid
of Citrix is not an option.)

Van T. Dinh

Are the Citrix Server and the SQL Server on the same LAN?

Is it slow when you print the Report only or slow for both Print & Preview?

On the Citrix server, try opening the Report in DesignView and then select
Layout Preview. Is it still slow?


1. The Citrix Server and the SQL Server are on the same LAN.
2. It is slow for both Print & Preview.
3. When I opened it in DesignView and then selected Layout Preview on
Citrix, it appeared instantly...


Also, if I click "Print" while in Design View and then enter the parameters
at the two prompts, the report prints right away also. It seems the only
place it is really slow is on Print Preview.

Van T. Dinh

The last observation doesn't go well with other observations.

I suspect that a lot of data has to go through the wires as if you use
normal Select Query (and depending on the SQL of the Query), a lot of data
may need to be transferred through the wires.

Try using a Pass-Through Query an see what happen. See Access Help on
PassThrough Queries.


Thanks. I just played around with some of the queries and changed one of the
queries to link to a view instead of directly to tables and the report now
appears instantly.

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