Sounds Bug


Diane Ross

I just found out Sounds are broken in Apple Mail application too with

One of the fixes they gave was to use Growl, however I haven't tried this
with Entourage. Thought I would put this out there to see if any of you
sound and script gurus could come up with something workable.


1. Install the latest version of Growl (1.1.2)

2. Follow the instructions on this page:

3. In the Applications tab in the Growl preference pane, you'll see one
called "New Mail Rule"

4. Click on it and select "Configure"

5. Then you'll see the "Play Sound" drop down box. Pick your favorite mail

And that's all there is to it. Not only does this get Growl working with
Leopard, but it also gives you your new mail sound back.

They also mentioned the Play Sound script used in a Rule as I have mentioned
before. Directions here:


1) Download David Blache's Play Sound application here.

Install Play Sound. To install, drag it to any location on your hard drive.
The first time you call the Play Sound application in a script, AppleScript
may ask you to locate the application file if Play Sound is not running.

2) Create "Custom Sounds" folder in your Microsoft User Data folder. Drop
the New mail sound into this folder.

3) Create AppleScript and drop into Entourage Script Menu Items folder.

set cusrPath to (path to "cusr" as string)
set soundAlias to (cusrPath & "Documents:Microsoft User Data:Custom
Sounds:newmail.mp3") as alias
tell application "Play Sound"
play soundAlias
end tell

4) Create Rule. Be sure to uncheck Do not apply other rules. Make this the
top rule.

All messages

Run AppleScript Script: [select your New Mail.scpt]

Note: it can drive you crazy getting notified by every mail. I much prefer
being notified by category for mail.


I just found out Sounds are broken in Apple Mail application too with

I trust the MS Entourage development team is working on mew mail and
other sound bugs in Entourage 12 and will release a fix for all of us
soon. I can live with the broken sound as long as there is some
assurance that MS cares and somebody is working on a fix.

Shame, shame on eh beta test team for not reporting this obvious bug.

Diane Ross

I trust the MS Entourage development team is working on mew mail and
other sound bugs in Entourage 12 and will release a fix for all of us
soon. I can live with the broken sound as long as there is some
assurance that MS cares and somebody is working on a fix.

Shame, shame on eh beta test team for not reporting this obvious bug.

And how do you know it wasn't reported?


Diane Ross said:
And how do you know it wasn't reported?

Good point! I may have wrongfully assume that it was missed. The beta
tester report could have been ignored. Then shame on development team.

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