Spaces & Ampersands In Queries


Linda L. Smith

I have built a Cold Fusion website using Access as my
database. My first problem is executing the following
select query where the search criteria of the WHERE
clause is text with spaces in it:
WHERE Category='#Category#'
ORDER BY Category, OrderNo;

For instance the parameter #Category# = "Page Under
Construction. Check Back Soon." The query works fine if
there is only one space after the period and
before "Check". But if I put two spaces, the query
produces no records. The extra space seems to cause the
query to stop after the first space and sees nothing else.

The second problem is with the Registered symbol. The
Registered symbol is produced in HTML by: ®. When I
update the table the first time with the code in the
text/memo field ®, it produces the registered symbol
fine. Now the registered symbol itself is in the
text/memo field of the table. If I update the table
again with this registered symbol in it, I get strange
characters in front of the registered symbol like a
capital A with a hat on it and/or a square box. This
increases in succession everytime the table is updated
after that.

Any ideas.....

I'm not sure if this is an Access problem or a Cold
Fusion problem. I will also post this on the Cold Fusion
Newsgroup page.

THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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