Spell check should include contact/address-book names


Peter Ritchie


It's pretty rare (at least, I've found) that names in emails are found in
the included dictionary. The spell checker should use the names in Contacts
and/or the Address Book to verify words that don't appear in the dictionary
before qualifying it as misspelled.

-- Peter

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Just the opposite should be, and is true. How would a dictionary for US
English know how to spell Coach K's name? It doesn't, marks it as
misspelled, giving you the changce to verify the spelling and add it to your
dictionary if you wish. It is exactly how it should work. If coach K is
not in your contacts, what do you propose then?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head-scratching, Peter Ritchie asked this group:

| Hello,
| It's pretty rare (at least, I've found) that names in emails are
| found in the included dictionary. The spell checker should use the
| names in Contacts and/or the Address Book to verify words that don't
| appear in the dictionary before qualifying it as misspelled.
| -- Peter

Peter Ritchie

I'm unclear what you're trying to say. I think you've made the suggestion
much more complicated than it is. Adding a name to your contacts
pre-verifies the content.

If a name (or any other word) is not in Contacts than there's no way to tell
if it is even a name--and must be misspelled, if not in the dictionary.

All I was proposing was: if a word is not in the dictionary (regardless of
locale) check to see if it is in any of the name fields in Contacts. If it
is, it must be someone's name and don't mark it as misspelled. If it isn't,
then it is an unknown word and mark it as misspelled.


People's names constantly come up my spell checks (especially when using
Word as email editor), and allowing the checker to take a last look at the
address book would save a lot of time reviewing spelling and clicking
"Ignore" before the email is sent. I would rather not add 100,00 names into
the Dictionary. Consider not only attempting to match names, but also email
addresses for Contacts. Could use an Outlook option under the Spelling tab:
"Check Contacts for matches if none found in the Dictionary"


I agree, this is a awesome suggestion. Spellcheck should be able to use
outlooks address book as a feed for the dictionary. It should then have the
option to ignore case sensitivity.


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