Spell Checker


Jamie A Miller

I am having an issue with Word 2003 Professional Edition's Spell Checker
option. It will not detect or fix misspelled words. I know there are
spelling mistakes in this document- I have put some in to check this. They
are not found as I type (which is checked) nor during a complete scan. I
1. Checked the Language and it is checked as English U.S. The "Do not check
spelling and grammar" box is not checked. I unchecked the Auto Detect
language bar.
2. I went to Tools – Options – Spelling & Grammar – Spelling – Check
spelling as
you type. It is checked.
3. I have tried rechecking the document after all of this with no avail.

Please help!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

When you checked on the Language settings, did you have all the text in the
document selected?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Of course! And if restarting Word doesn't work, restarting Windows probably
would. <g>

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