spelling problem word 2000



is your hard drive foramtted for NTFS or is it still
fat32? are you trying to run word 2000 on 98se? because
they are not compatiable. and word 2000 will not operate
on that platform. it is strictly for use on an NTFS

hope that helped.
-----Original Message-----
Each time I use the spelling check in word 2000, the
programme crashes and gives the following message:
WINWORD heeft een fout met betrekking tot een ongeldige pagina veroorzaakt in
module MSGRNL32.DLL op018f:04327e73.
EAX=043c0204 CS=018f EIP=04327e73 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=044d0b50 SS=0197 ESP=0062d040 EBP=0062d100
ECX=089a169c DS=0197 ESI=044d0b50 FS=335f
EDX=000003dc ES=0197 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes in CS:EIP:
8b 41 04 85 c0 0f 85 3d 02 00 00 8b 71 2c 85 f6
00000000 044d0b50 00000000 044d0b50 00001000 043a1788
0435d0a9 00001000 0435d096 00001000 00000000 043628cc
00001000 043611a1 00000000 043a5cb8
I already re-formatted the harddisk and completely
reinstalled all programmes, but the problem stays. When I
do the spellingcheck on an empty document, there is no
problem, but when I just type one digit in that document,
the programme crashes.


Five years ago, I bought this configuration as it is now, and for four years, I worked with it without any problems. It is just that spelling problem that I have sice a year now

Kind regards


----- loki wrote: ----

is your hard drive foramtted for NTFS or is it still
fat32? are you trying to run word 2000 on 98se? because
they are not compatiable. and word 2000 will not operate
on that platform. it is strictly for use on an NTFS

hope that helped
-----Original Message----
Each time I use the spelling check in word 2000, the
programme crashes and gives the following message
pagina veroorzaakt i
module MSGRNL32.DLL op018f:04327e73
EAX=043c0204 CS=018f EIP=04327e73 EFLGS=0001020
EBX=044d0b50 SS=0197 ESP=0062d040 EBP=0062d10
ECX=089a169c DS=0197 ESI=044d0b50 FS=335
EDX=000003dc ES=0197 EDI=00000000 GS=000
Bytes in CS:EIP
8b 41 04 85 c0 0f 85 3d 02 00 00 8b 71 2c 85 f6
00000000 044d0b50 00000000 044d0b50 00001000 043a1788
0435d0a9 00001000 0435d096 00001000 00000000 043628cc
00001000 043611a1 00000000 043a5cb8reinstalled all programmes, but the problem stays. When I
do the spellingcheck on an empty document, there is no
problem, but when I just type one digit in that document,
the programme crashes

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