Square foot symbol




I am currently employed in a real estate company, and am facing a challenge/dillemma: our agents want to insert the square foot symbol into their documents (NOT the sf2 but the SYMBOL, which is a square with a little crossing the middle of the upper square side), and there seems to be no such symbol to be found. I spent hours checking all the fonts and symbols at home, and even checked hundreds of font download sites, but in vain.
Can anybody help me with this? I would really appreciate it.

Steve Yandl


I've always used ft² and I'm not familiar with the symbol you describe.
However, if you have a Windows XP system, there is a program available
called "eudcedit" that will allow you to build the symbol from scratch or
modify a symbol found in an existing font set. These instructions should


Leslie said:

I am currently employed in a real estate company, and am facing a
challenge/dillemma: our agents want to insert the square foot symbol into
their documents (NOT the sf2 but the SYMBOL, which is a square with a little
crossing the middle of the upper square side), and there seems to be no such
symbol to be found. I spent hours checking all the fonts and symbols at
home, and even checked hundreds of font download sites, but in vain.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The symbol exists, as Unicode glyph 23CD, in the Miscellaneous Technical
range (see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2300.pdf), but it is not
present even in Arial Unicode MS. It's possible that it exists in some other
font, but it is much more common just to use SF or, as Steve suggests, ft².

Leslie said:

I am currently employed in a real estate company, and am facing a
challenge/dillemma: our agents want to insert the square foot symbol into
their documents (NOT the sf2 but the SYMBOL, which is a square with a little
crossing the middle of the upper square side), and there seems to be no such
symbol to be found. I spent hours checking all the fonts and symbols at
home, and even checked hundreds of font download sites, but in vain.

Hilary Ostrov

The symbol exists, as Unicode glyph 23CD, in the Miscellaneous Technical
range (see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2300.pdf), but it is not
present even in Arial Unicode MS. It's possible that it exists in some other
font, but it is much more common just to use SF or, as Steve suggests, ft².

But if she absolutely *has* to have it, it is possible to copy the
glyph (after zooming the .pdf page until the size of the image
approximates a match to the font size she uses) then paste into Word,
and create an Autotext so that it's easily inserted as and when

[BTW, sorry about the content-free E-mail, Suzanne ... I hit *two*
wrong buttons in a row :( ]


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I did wonder. <g>

Hilary Ostrov said:
The symbol exists, as Unicode glyph 23CD, in the Miscellaneous Technical
range (see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2300.pdf), but it is not
present even in Arial Unicode MS. It's possible that it exists in some other
font, but it is much more common just to use SF or, as Steve suggests,

But if she absolutely *has* to have it, it is possible to copy the
glyph (after zooming the .pdf page until the size of the image
approximates a match to the font size she uses) then paste into Word,
and create an Autotext so that it's easily inserted as and when

[BTW, sorry about the content-free E-mail, Suzanne ... I hit *two*
wrong buttons in a row :( ]


Marek Williams

I am currently employed in a real estate company, and am facing a challenge/dilemma: our agents want to insert the square foot symbol

I had the same problem. I asked about it on alt.binaries.fonts and
someone there sent me a version of Monotype Sorts into which he had
added the square foot symbol. I really like his version of the symbol.
He used a square, then inserted a ' into the top of it with a bit of
white space around the '. Looks better than a box with a slash clear
through it.

Unfortunately, the font is copyrighted. He and I both have licenses
for it, and the Monotype license doesn't prohibit our modifying it for
our own purposes. So we're legal, but it wouldn't be legal for me to
send it to you.

Before going through this we looked all over for a font that already
had the symbol, but came up empty.

Assuming you can't find a font with the symbol, you could use a draw
program to create the symbol as a graphic. Then just insert the
graphic into your text wherever you want it. As an alternative, you
could get a font creation tool and modify one of your own fonts.
Fontlab is the best these days, but it is expensive. There are cheaper
alternatives that would do fine for a simple task like this.


Thank you so much, people, for all your advise! I will look into each of your answers, one by one... At any rate, thanks!


Woohoo! I did it! I created the symbol in Paint, sized it small enough to fit my font, inserted the picture in a blank word document, saved it as "sf" in "Autotext", and then assigned a shortcut key to it! Now I just have to hit one key, and there it is!
The Autotext idea was indeed a good one!
Yeah! - :)

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