Keith Jakobs, MCP

How in the World do I STOP Visio from laying out and moving around all my

I am desperately trying to use Visio to lay out a PROPOSED Active Directory
Structure for a client.

I had no problem working on the document last week. Added a User or OU....
Dragged that object in the Navigator to the appropriate container, and the
container and object were properly connected. If I selected a container and
told it to lay out its children, it would do so, exactly as I anticipated.

Today, I am trying to modify the file.... add additional continers, users
and groups I did not get to finish on Friday.

I can add an object to the screen... but that seems to be about it!! If I
try to connect the container and object ALL of my objects on the page get
moved all over the page, completely losing my layout.

I have tried turning off auto-layout, and have even locked the X and Y-
position of ALL existing objects on my screen..... even in that state:

If I connect a new object - EVERY OBJECT gets moved around.....

If I try to layout children on a SPECIFIC container..... EVERY OBJECT ON THE

I have even told it to never re-route connectors!

If I add an Entry using the Directory Navigator, it appears in the
navigator, but not on the drawing!!!

Then when I finally close out Visio in frustration, it says it encountered
an error and need to report it to Microsoft... but then does nothing or
tells me nothing else!

I am using Visio 2002 Ent. Ed., on a Windows XP SP2 box.....

What the $%^$%^#$^#$ is wrong with Visio?????!!!!!

Thanks (I hope)

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