Style Separators at the beginning of a line in the middle of a paragraph



I am having issues with using style separator characters to allow
multiple styles to applied in a paragraph. Everything works great
until I use this in a paragraph with hanging indents. I have
simplified the case down to the following.

1) Create a style, "test1" that has a hanging indent.

2) Create a second style "test2" based off of "test1", with a
different font size (different font size is not necessary, but makes
it easier to see what text is styled with what style)

3) Type a paragraph spanning multiple lines in style "test1"

4) Insert a style separator character.

5) The style separator character gave us an additional space with it,
so delete this space.

6) Continue typing in this paragraph and apply "style2" to the second
part of this paragraph.

7) Adjust the length of the first portion of the paragraph so the
style separator occurs at the beginning of a line.

If the style separator character occurs at the beginning of a line but
not the beginning of the paragraph, the line will be at the margin
when hiding formatting marks. When showing formatting marks, it moves
back to the hanging position that it should be. If I add the space
back in after the style separator, the line moves back to a hanging
indent regardless of whether formatting marks are hidden.

Leaving the space there is not an option, as this is being done
through document automation, and the user needs to get the __exact__
result from their "template" (not a Word .dot template).

I have tried everything that I can think of to fix this. Neither
hiding the space nor using a zero width space worked. Is there
anything else that I can do to get around this issue?


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