Sub Total Not Carrying Over



I have a Form that has an imbedded Subform used for order entry. These are
line item purchase transactions. Each line item has a bound field called
"Subtotal" that extends the line item price.

In the Subform Footer I have an unbound field called "Total Subtotal" that
sums the Subtotal fields as:=nz(Sum([Subtotal])).

I have a Total field bound to my main Form that is (supposed to) grab the
data from the Subform (Total Subtotal) and update this as: =Forms![Home
Survey Subform]![Total Subtotal].

However, all I get is #Name? I've compared this to a template DB from MS and
it is the same logic.

Any idea why I can't seem to see the total price?

Any help is more than welcome...MDM


You are not referring to your subform properly. It should be
=Forms!YourMainFormName![Home Survey Subform]![Total Subtotal]


I should add that I also tried grabbing the Total Subtotal data this way as
well, but get a #Error, =[Home Survey Subform].Form![Total Subtotal]...MDM


JL, I changed to this format and still get #Error. On my Main Form field I

=Forms!Home Survey![Home Survey Subform]![Total Subtotal]

I also tried:

=Forms![Home Survey]![Home Survey Subform]![Total Subtotal]

But still get #error.


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