Subform No Duplicates



SELECT TblProjectInformation.ProjectID, TblStaffRequirements.Title,
TblProjectInformation.[Title ID], TblProjectInformation.WorkerID,
TblProjectInformation.[Job/ProposalNo], TblProjectInformation.[Requisition
No], TblProjectInformation.[Mobilization Date],
TblProjectInformation.[Demobilization Date], TblProjectInformation.[HR
Classification], TblResumes.[First Name], TblResumes.[Last Name],
TblResumes.[Cell Phone], TblResumes.Email, TblResumes.[Resume Link] FROM
TblResumes INNER JOIN (TblStaffRequirements INNER JOIN TblProjectInformation
ON TblStaffRequirements.[Title ID]=TblProjectInformation.[Title ID]) ON

Until I put WorkerID as a No Duplicates field in my TblProjectInformation
the form worked fine except it allowed the same worker to be entered multiple
times in the same project.

NOW...when I use the drop down for WorkerID to select the person the First
and Last Name do not Auto-Populate, BUT when I go back in its there?

Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong???

Thanks so much for your help!~

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