Subreport Not Showing With Lebans PDF Converter



Hi everyone,

I was hoping that someone may point me in the right direction. I have a
report that pulls in data from 2 completely different queries. I have the
report working perfectly with the headers working correctly but now I have
one final road block.

When I pull my report it pulls both the main report and subreport. I use
the PDF converter since it keeps all my formatting that I would lose if i
exported the report. My problem is when i use the PDF converter it drops my
subreport all together. Anyone know why this may be occuring?


Stephen Lebans

Yes, ReportToPDF certainly supports report/subreport configurations.

Your issue is most likely related to a Snapshot issue that has been raised
here over the years. Forget about my code for a moment. Manually export your
report to Snapshot format. Open the exported Snapshot file in the Snapshot
viewer application. Is your report rendered correctly?

If the contents of the subreport are not showing in the Snapshot file then
keep reading.

If you have a logo/Image in the subreport then delete the image, open the
original image in a Paint program, save it as BMP format and then reload
this BMP back into your subreport.

If you do not have bound field within your subreport then bind a hidden
TextBox control to any available field.

Let me know.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.



Thanks for the reply. When i followed your steps in exporting and then
opening i had sucess. I just got a new laptop and it didnt prompt me for the
snapshot install until i opened it in that format. Is it possible that
because of that it didnt carry over my subreport? After the install the
issue went away and back to business as usual. Thank you for taking a minute
out of your busy day to offer solutions. I appreciate it.


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