Sum on Previous Records



I am trying to create an unbound field on a single-ecord payment form which
gives the value of payments [PaSalDLCDPor] previously made on a grant.
tblGrantSum is the parent table and tblPayments is the child table. I used
the query builder to create the following query and included it as the
control source for the textbox, but it gives me a #Name? error and it does
not address the issue of excluding the current tblPayment record.
[DLCDGrant#] is the key field and is a string.

Can someone help me?


SELECT Sum(tblPayments.PaySalDLCDPor) AS SumOfPaySalDLCDPor
FROM tblGrantSum INNER JOIN tblPayments ON tblGrantSum.[DLCDGrant#] =

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