Summing entire column



I have a 2 worksheet workbook that is being used as a Credit Card log. The
user enters all the transactions into a worksheet named, CreditCardLog. The
CreditCardLog worksheet takes 10 values, PONum, PODate, Vendor, Description,
Amount, CCCObjectCode, C, CO, CR, PCO. The totals are then displayed on the
first worksheet, Totals. This adds up C, CO, CR, PCO columns for totals.
These sums are done like this,


The issue that I am having is that if a user inserts a new line or pastes
some content into the CreditCardLog worksheet, then the sums on Totals are

How can I sum the entire column while still allowing the users to
insert/delete rows, cut/copy/paste rows?

Drew Laing


I have tried that, and it did not work. I am guessing it didn't work
because there is a heading in the 1st row.


Zack Barresse

Hello Drew,

As it is quite a valid question, the problem is the action itself.
Inserting/deleting rows is not a good idea. I personally lothe the feature.
If you can find a way to work around having to do that, it would be much
easier. If you do not want to do that, maybe try these steps ...

1) Hit Ctrl + F3, as name enter "BigNum" and RefersTo as
"=9.99999999999E+307", click Add.
2) Do not close the dialog box, as name enter "CCTotals", RefersTo as
"=INDEX(CreditCardLog!$H:$H,MATCH(BigNum,CreditCardLog!$H:$H))", click Add.
3) Use your formula as "=SUM(H2:CCTotals)




Maybe it is working for you because you have it all on one worksheet... If I
try to enter the following,


I get,

The formula entered contains an error... blah, blah, blah

So how are you getting it to work?



Thank you so much for your answer... I saw this solution while researching,
but couldn't get it working.


Anne Troy said:
In another workbook, this works:
And don't put the sheet name twice. :)
Anne Troy

Drew said:

Maybe it is working for you because you have it all on one worksheet...
If I try to enter the following,


I get,

The formula entered contains an error... blah, blah, blah

So how are you getting it to work?


Anne Troy

You're welcome, Drew. :)
Anne Troy

Drew said:
Thank you so much for your answer... I saw this solution while
researching, but couldn't get it working.


Anne Troy said:
In another workbook, this works:
And don't put the sheet name twice. :)
Anne Troy

Drew said:

Maybe it is working for you because you have it all on one worksheet...
If I try to enter the following,


I get,

The formula entered contains an error... blah, blah, blah

So how are you getting it to work?

Works for me just fine, even with a header, Drew. What is "not
Anne Troy

I have tried that, and it did not work. I am guessing it didn't work
because there is a heading in the 1st row.


Have you tried:
Anne Troy

I have a 2 worksheet workbook that is being used as a Credit Card
log. The user enters all the transactions into a worksheet named,
CreditCardLog. The CreditCardLog worksheet takes 10 values, PONum,
PODate, Vendor, Description, Amount, CCCObjectCode, C, CO, CR, PCO.
The totals are then displayed on the first worksheet, Totals. This
adds up C, CO, CR, PCO columns for totals. These sums are done like


The issue that I am having is that if a user inserts a new line or
pastes some content into the CreditCardLog worksheet, then the sums
on Totals are #REF.

How can I sum the entire column while still allowing the users to
insert/delete rows, cut/copy/paste rows?

Drew Laing

Zack Barresse

My solution is dynamic. Just another form than what you have. I do like
the Offset version, but it will fail if blanks are present and a
non-contiguous range is used.

Peo Sjoblom

1. to get that last formula to work you need to refer to the CreditCardLog
sheet (assuming that the OP wants to sum from another sheet)


however if you insert a row at the top and put a new value in H2 it will
fail, you would need something like




Peo Sjoblom

Zack Barresse

Good points Peo, should've mentioned that. Thanks. :)

Zack Barresse, aka firefytr, (GT = TFS FF Zack)
To email, remove the NO SPAM. Please keep correspondence to the board, as
to benefit others.

Peo Sjoblom

Only problem with both solutions is that they don't work with rows inserted
at the top, you need to either adapt the OFFSET part with a row that will
offset the OFFSET function or make the reference a text string that won't
change like this, else $H$1 will change to H4 (if 3 rows are inserted) and
then if you fill in H2 it won't be included


Zack Barresse

Haukwa, I'm very sorry. I have been in a rush in the morning and speedily
read through your response. I had thought that I read COUNTA, but must have
been somewhere else. I apologize for any confusion, my sincerest regrets.

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