Summing up records in a Form


Hajo von Kracht

(Sorry for cross-posting. I accidentally posted to the "General Questions"
track, but it fits obviously better here:)

I have a table with four fields: (1) a unique ID, (2) a filter field, (3) a
text (not unique) and (4) a number.
In my form I want to filter the table by a combox selection (in this case
the value "f1") and collapse the remaining records with identical text and
show the sum of the number.

Records (myId, myFilter, myTxt, myNum):
1, f1, texta, 9
2, f1, texta, 8
3, f2, texta, 7
4, f1, textb, 6

I want to filter only the "f1" records and see:
texta, 17
textb, 6

Looks fairly easy. I know the SQL syntax for this, and with some string
concatenation acrobatics I can plug it into the RecordSource attribute of my

SELECT myTxt, SUM(myNum) FROM table WHERE myFilter = "f1" GROUP BY myTxt;

But how do I get the aggregated data ("SUM(myNum)") into the darn Text boxes
of my Form? I have been fighting with this for hours, so far with no success.
The system yells at me with "NAME?" and "ERROR", and I see no way how I can
tell either to the SQL side how to call the resulting aggregate, so the Form
gracefully accepts it, nor can I tell the form to accept what SQL sends.

Any help appreciated.

Steve Sanford

You need to use an alias for the field Sum(mytable.myNum)

SELECT mytable.myTxt, Sum(mytable.myNum) AS SumOfmyNum FROM mytable WHERE
mytable.myFilter = "f1" GROUP BY mytable.myTxt;

You can use any legal name for the alias name:

Sum(mytable.myNum) AS SumOfmyNum
Sum(mytable.myNum) AS myNumTotal
Sum(mytable.myNum) AS abcdef1234

just not the same name as another field.


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