Survey Form at


John Ford

Whomever Owns the Survey Form:

I've found a couple problems in the form at

The email address in the form's Contact property is no longer valid.
That's why I'm putting this on the newsgroup.

When the form is sent, it has a vbCrLf at the end of Item.Body. I
haven't tested the effect of this with all question types, but if the
survey ends with a "Choice" question, this throws off the string
manipulation that parses the choice list from Item.Body. It is
hard-coded to drop the last character, which it assumes is the "}" at
the end of the choice list. Instead, it drops the vbLf.

I "fixed" this by commenting out the Item_Send() function's

alldata = Left(alldata, Len(alldata) - 1)

so the trailing "|" separator character is left there. This results in
the Item.Body being parsed (when received) as if there were a null
question at the end. This null question gets dropped by the ReDim
aryAnswers(Item.Mileage), so I think this is safe.

In the ShowQuestion() routine, I think the line

howmuchquestion = Len(questiononly): howmuchquestion = howmuch -

must be incorrect, because of the redundancy. I'm not sure what's
intended here, but the first assignment is moot.

I think I'm going to use different separator characters than "|"
and "{}", just to make it more bullet proof. Probably go with chr(20)
and chr(21). I hope these characters aren't meaningfull to

Does this make sense?


PS: This form works great! It's gonna save us (me) some time.

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