Textbox text


Francis Hookam

Textbox text

Several questions about Textbox

In a door schedule I am working on, project details (name, job no, drawing
no, date, etc) are entered in B1:B7 of the Input sheet and I need to
transfer these details to a textbox on the Schedule sheet

There is no problem with writing a macro to produce the textbox to contain
these details but there are some questions regarding the format of the text
within the textbox

It would help the general appearance of the textbox if some words could be
bold ­ for instance the project title contained in Cells(1, 2) ­ is it
possible to specify within the concatenation which text will be bold?

I need to replace the previous textbox with the new one so I have given the
textbox a name so it can be deleted before the new one is formatted. I have
forgotten how to ignore the Œdelete¹ if the previous textbox had already
been deleted and so avoid the error which occurs

For reasons I cannot fathom naming the textbox seems to interfere with the
TextFrame.MarginŠ settings I wanted
(Since writing this I find that Set AutoShape Defaults beforehand sorts this
out but I should still like to know if the margins can be set as I have
attempted since the Workbook will run on other computers which may not be
set with the same margins)

Dates in the worksheet are formatted ³d mmm yy² but appear in the
concatenated text in the textbox as ³02/05/2005². One way round this is to
format the date cell as ³Text² and type the date as ³2 May 05² but that
might confuse the person entering the data, expecting normal ³3/5/05² (or
simply ³3/5²) entry in an already date formatted cell. Anyway round that?

You will see I have added spaces ­
& Chr(10) & "Drawing no.: " & Cells(5, 2) _
to try to line up the data but, without a fixed space font, that does not
work well ­ any way of introducing a tab character in the concatenation?
Recording tabbing does not show a tab Chr in the code as it did Chr(10) for
the line return, it simply added a miscellaneous number of spaces

We are rightly encouraged to format code so actions are carried out without
actually selecting what is being acted upon. Although I can normally achieve
the transformation between recorded actions and direct instructions and
often can write directly without recording, in this case I am at a loss to
do so ­ please show me how the following could be improved

What a fantastic programme ­ the insight you give is appreciated very much

Francis Hookham

Sub ProjectDetails()
'goto InputSheet
'concatenate project details into varable 'Project'
sProject = "Project: " & Chr(10) & Cells(1, 2) _
& Chr(10) & "Job no.: " & Cells(2, 2) _
& Chr(10) & "Drawing title: " & Cells(3, 2) _
& Chr(10) & "Drawing date: " & Cells(4, 2) _
& Chr(10) & "Drawing no.: " & Cells(5, 2) _
& Chr(10) & "Revision: " & Cells(6, 2) _
& Chr(10) & "Revision date.: " & Cells(7, 2)
'goto Shedule sheet
'delete previous textbox
'form and name new textbox
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
20, 20, 300, 150).Select
'name the textbox
Selection.Name = "JobTitleTextBox"
'insert concatenated text
Selection.Characters.Text = sProject
'(the following 'With-End with' was generated during the early recording
'part of the macro. It seems to make no difference if it is there or not.
'If, if, the normal/bold text could be determined in the concatenation
'this certainly would not be needed)
' With Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=8).Font
' .Name = "Arial"
' .FontStyle = "Regular"
' .Size = 12
' .Strikethrough = False
' .Superscript = False
' .Subscript = False
' .OutlineFont = False
' .Shadow = False
' .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
' .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
' End With
'set margins of textbox
Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.MarginLeft = 7
Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.MarginRight = 7
Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.MarginTop = 7
Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.MarginBottom = 7
'deselect textbox
Cells(1, 1).Select
End Sub

JE McGimpsey

Francis Hookam said:
There is no problem with writing a macro to produce the textbox to contain
these details but there are some questions regarding the format of the text
within the textbox

Sorry this has been so late. I don't have time to give a comprehensive
answer to all your questions, but perhaps I can answer them piecemeal...
1. It would help the general appearance of the textbox if some words
could be bold ­ for instance the project title contained in Cells(1,
2) ­ is it possible to specify within the concatenation which text
will be bold?

You can't specify within the string itself. In my apps, I approach it
more like

Const sTB_STR1 As String = "Project: "
Const sTB_STR2 As String = "Drawing title: "
Const sTB_STR3 As String = "Drawing date: "
Dim vCells As Variant
Dim sTB_Str As String
Dim nNL As Long

nNL = Len(vbNewLine)
With ActiveSheet
vCells = .Cells(1, 2).Resize(7, 1).Value
sTB_Str = sTB_STR1 & vbNewLine & vCells(1, 1) & _
vbNewLine & sTB_STR2 & vCells(2, 1) & _
vbNewLine & sTB_STR3 & vCells(3, 1) 'etc.
With .Shapes("JobTitleTextBox").TextFrame
With .Characters
.Text = sTB_Str
With .Font
.Name = "Verdana"
.FontStyle = "Regular"
.Size = 12
.Strikethrough = False
.Subscript = False
.Superscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = False
.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
End WIth
End With
.Characters(Len(sTB_STR1) + nNL + 1, _
Len(vCells(1, 1))).Font.Bold = True
End With
End With

JE McGimpsey

Francis Hookam said:
I need to replace the previous textbox with the new one so I have given the
textbox a name so it can be deleted before the new one is formatted. I have
forgotten how to ignore the Œdelete¹ if the previous textbox had already
been deleted and so avoid the error which occurs

One way:

On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0

an alternative which avoids the error and resetting the error handler:

Dim i As Long
With ActiveSheet.TextBoxes
For i = 1 To .Count
If .Item(i).Name = "JobTitleTextBox" Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
End With

JE McGimpsey

Francis Hookam said:
Dates in the worksheet are formatted ³d mmm yy² but appear in the
concatenated text in the textbox as ³02/05/2005². One way round this is to
format the date cell as ³Text² and type the date as ³2 May 05² but that
might confuse the person entering the data, expecting normal ³3/5/05² (or
simply ³3/5²) entry in an already date formatted cell. Anyway round that?

One way:

& vbNewLine & "Drawing date: " & Format(Cells(4, 2).Value, "d mmm yy") _

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