Time formula Needed



I need a formula that will calculate some time for me. Here is what I have.
I have a box where a user types in 8:00 AM meaning they start worked at 8:00
in the morning. They then type in 5:00 PM for when they end work. There
also is a cell that they input their amount of time at lunch, say 1 hour.

I need the formula to subtract 8 Am from 5 PM and then subtract the 1 hour
lunch. So I should get 8 hours.

Also, will the formula return 7.5 if the user had a half hour?

Niek Otten


or. if lunchtime is eneterd as # of minutes:


<will the formula return 7.5 if the user had a half hour?>

No, 8:30 :)


Is it possible instead of it showing time that it show a number. For
example, 5 PM - 8 AM - 1 Hour lunch = 8.0 hours worked

or 5 PM - 7:30 AM - 1 Hour lunch = 8.5 hours worked

David Biddulph

Multiply the result (see the other answers you have had) by 24, and format
as general or number, not as time.

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