TimeIn TimeOut Database


Marcus Canales

Hi everyone,

I know this may sound like a simple question but I can't seem to wrap
my head around how to do it. I have a very simple db that has two
tables (Teachers & TimeCard).

In the Teachers Table I have the fields:

TeacherID (Number) [ID number given to the teacher by the school
FirstName (Text)
LastName (Text)

In the TimeCard Table I have the fields:
TimeCardID (AutoNumber)
TeacherID (Number) [Linked to Teachers Table]
TimeIn (Date/Time)
TimeOut (Date/Time)

What I would like to happen is have a form that takes its input from a
barcode scanner that scans the teachers ID Badges. The barcode has
their TeacherID on it. Once it is scanned, I would like the form to
create a new record in TimeCard and update the TimeIn field with the
current time. At the end of the day (or whenever the teacher leaves) I
would like them to be able to scan their card again, and the have the
form find a TimeCardID that has a TimeIn field (for the current day,
that corrresponds to their TeacherID), but no TimeOut field and then
update the TimeOut field with the current Time.

Is this the best way to go about doing this or can you guys suggest a
better way? I appreciate all the time and help you guys can lend me.


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