


I am considering purchasing Visio for timeline function. I hope to create multiple timelines of peoples' life events to then try to move the timelines in various positions, lining up years or ages, to analyze patterns in the life events. This would take putting numerous timelines on one page and being able to move them around easily. Does this progem have those capabilities with timelines?

Also how much information can be incorporated into a timeline


Mark Nelson [MS]

Visio 2003 has timelines. You can place multiple timelines on the same
page. You can rotate timelines to be horizontal or vertical. Timelines can
be moved and resized as needed. I'm not aware of limits on how many events
a timeline can handle, but I have seen a few with more than 50 events.

You should be aware that Visio timelines are restricted to the range of
dates allowable in Microsoft Windows (1900 - 2100). Historical dates and
dateless timelines are not supported.

Mark Nelson
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Bev said:
I am considering purchasing Visio for timeline function. I hope to create
multiple timelines of peoples' life events to then try to move the timelines
in various positions, lining up years or ages, to analyze patterns in the
life events. This would take putting numerous timelines on one page and
being able to move them around easily. Does this progem have those
capabilities with timelines?


Do you know if there is a way to rotate timelines in Visio 2002? I
works great in 2003, but I do not have access to that version.
Visio 2003 has timelines. You can rotate timelines to b
horizontal or vertical


Mark Nelson [MS]

This feature was added in 2003.

Mark Nelson
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

mshatoff said:
Do you know if there is a way to rotate timelines in Visio 2002? It
works great in 2003, but I do not have access to that version.
Visio 2003 has timelines. You can rotate timelines to be
horizontal or vertical.


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