TimeSheet Lines TASK_UID != Assignment TASK_UID




I posted here some days ago about this problem but I haven't found a
solution yet...

So I've been looking for any clues and I realized that sometimes, TASK_UID
field in TimeSheet Lines table is different from TASK_UID field in
Assignments table (for the same task and assignment of course).

When I search that task in Task table I can find it with the TASK_UID from
Assignments table but the TimeSheet Lines table TASK_UID doesn't exist...

Does anybody knows if this is normal?

Rod Gill

When a user creates a timesheet, project copies all Task data into the
timesheet tables. The idea is that if a PM deletes a task, the timesheet
data stays pointing to a valid task in the timesheets table. The
TimesheetLine table holds TaskNameUID which is a GUID that points to the
Timesheet Task table. The Assignment UID field points to the Assignment
table. So, if a task gets a new GUID or is deleted etc. the Guids will be


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:


Thanks for your reply.

I can't find TaskNameUID column at MSP_TIMESHEET_LINES :cool:.

Where should it be??


Rod Gill

I just got that name from the schema in the Project SDK, so it should be
there! This is Project 2007? If not I'm not sure what the problem is because
I haven't played with timesheet data in 2003 version.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:


Uhmmmm I'm using Project 2007 on fact :cool:.

I've tried to look inside data at DataSet when I ask for it with PSI but I
can't find it anyway :-(.

Where is it suposed to be?

Rod Gill


I think you need to read the schema for the reporting db that comes with the
Project SDK. You should only be reading timesheet data from the reporting db
as the schema for the other dbs may change with any hotfix or SP.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

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