Track Changes: How to show "just markup output"




I can't confirm as I am not on a Word2003 machine at the
moment, but I think you should be able to do this with the
user interface if you select hidden as the deleted text
mark and none as the inserted text mark with Tools>Track
Changes>Highlight Changes>Options

If not the following macro should certainly work:

Sub TrackChanges()

With Application.Options
.RevisedLinesMark = wdRevisedLinesMarkOutsideBorder
.RevisedLinesColor = wdAuto
.DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkHidden
.InsertedTextColor = wdAuto
.InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkNone
.RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkNone

End With
End Sub

Need help installing macros? See:

-----Original Message-----
I'd like to get Word 2003 to show me output that looks
like "final showing markup," but I only want it to show
only the changes and not the text that hasn't changed.
There is a P)rint, (Print what=List of Markup) feature
which is close, but that prints something looking like a
transaction log and I need to see the output as it would
appear in Word with change bars.

Ron Barrett


Thank you, this looks like it locates the place in the object model where display can be turned on or off and with different options. The trouble I'm finding is that I didn't see an object that would allow me to hide the "original" text (text that hasn't been changed since change tracking was turned on). Is there any way to hide the original text?


Chad DeMeyer


Something like this should do it:

Sub HideUnchangedText()
Dim oChange As Revision
ActiveDocument.Content.Font.Hidden = True
For Each oChange In ActiveDocument.Revisions
oChange.Range.Font.Hidden = False
Next oChange
End Sub

Chad DeMeyer

Ron Barrett said:

Thank you, this looks like it locates the place in the object model where
display can be turned on or off and with different options. The trouble I'm
finding is that I didn't see an object that would allow me to hide the
"original" text (text that hasn't been changed since change tracking was
turned on). Is there any way to hide the original text?



Sorry for wasting your time. I thought you only wanted
to see the revision bar in your document. After reading
your post again a see that you want to hide unchanged
text. Chad's code works. Turn off track changes before
running it.
-----Original Message-----

Thank you, this looks like it locates the place in the
object model where display can be turned on or off and
with different options. The trouble I'm finding is that
I didn't see an object that would allow me to hide
the "original" text (text that hasn't been changed since
change tracking was turned on). Is there any way to hide
the original text?

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