Tracking down errors...



I have deployed a COM object for Outlook but for some reason on a few
machines (approx. 3 out of 50), it causes Outlook to "create an error
report" when Outlook closes. What is the best way to track down why this is
being caused ?

Thanks everyone.

Code from Connect.Dsr
Option Explicit
Dim TrustedOL As Outlook.Application
Dim WithEvents myControl As CommandBarButton

Private Sub AddinInstance_OnConnection(ByVal Application As Object, _
ByVal ConnectMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_ConnectMode, _
ByVal AddInInst As Object, custom() As Variant)

On Error Resume Next

Dim oExp As Outlook.Explorer
Dim oBar As Office.CommandBar

Set oExp = Outlook.ActiveExplorer
Set oBar = oExp.CommandBars.Item("Standard")

Set myControl = oBar.FindControl(, , "Spam")

If myControl Is Nothing Then
Set myControl = oBar.Controls.Add(, , , 11, True)
With myControl
.Caption = "Spam"
.FaceId = 1019
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Tag = "Process selected email(s) as Spam"
.Visible = True
End With
End If

End Sub

Private Sub AddinInstance_OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As _
AddInDesignerObjects.ext_DisconnectMode, custom() As Variant)

On Error Resume Next

Set TrustedOL = Nothing
Set myControl = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub myControl_Click(ByVal Ctrl As _
Office.CommandBarButton, CancelDefault As Boolean)
Call basUnsolicited

End Sub

Code from SpamCode.Bas

Function R_GetSenderAddress(objMsg)
Dim strType
Dim objSenderAE
Dim objSMail
Const PR_EMAIL = &H39FE001E

Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim objTextStream As Scripting.TextStream
Dim CurUserProfile As String
Dim Junk_Senders_File As String

Set objSMail = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeMailItem")
objSMail.Item = objMsg
strType = objSMail.Fields(PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE)

CurUserProfile = Environ("userprofile")
Junk_Senders_File = CurUserProfile & "\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Junk Senders.txt"

Set objFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

If objFSO.FileExists(FileSpec:=Junk_Senders_File) = False Then
Set objTextStream =
Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName:=Junk_Senders_File,
End If

Set objSenderAE = objSMail.Sender
If Not objSenderAE Is Nothing Then
If strType = "SMTP" Then
R_GetSenderAddress = objSenderAE.Address
ElseIf strType = "EX" Then
R_GetSenderAddress = objSenderAE.Fields(PR_EMAIL)
End If
End If

objTextStream.WriteLine Text:=R_GetSenderAddress

Set objSenderAE = Nothing
Set objSMail = Nothing

End Function

Public Function sDomain(rsEmail As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
sDomain = Split(rsEmail, "@", 2)(1)
End Function

Sub basUnsolicited()

Dim oExp As Outlook.Explorer
Dim objSelection As Selection
Dim objItem As Object

Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDomain, strEmail As String
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString

Set m_red = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")

Msg = "Process these email(s) as SPAM ?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "Anti-Spam"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then

If LenB(Dir$("X:\Installs\Outlook Anti-Spam\config.mdb")) Then
Set db =
Anti-Spam\config.mdb", , False)
End If
Set oExp = Outlook.ActiveExplorer
Set objSelection = oExp.Selection

If objSelection.Count > 0 Then
For Each objItem In objSelection
If TypeOf objItem Is MailItem Then
strEmail = R_GetSenderAddress(objItem)
strDomain = sDomain(strEmail)

If Not (strEmail Like "*") Then
If LenB(Dir$("X:\Installs\Outlook
Anti-Spam\config.mdb")) Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO antispam2_blacklist
(entry,type) VALUES ('" & strEmail & "','1')"
db.Execute strSQL

strSQL = "INSERT INTO antispam2_blacklist
(entry,type) VALUES ('*@" & strDomain & "','1')"
db.Execute strSQL
End If


End If
End If
End If

If LenB(Dir$("X:\Installs\Outlook Anti-Spam\config.mdb")) Then
End If

End If

Set oExp = Nothing
Set objSelection = Nothing
Set objItem = Nothing
End Sub

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Look at the ItemsCB COM addin sample on the Resources page at for a look at Outlook COM addin best practices. You
should be checking to see that there is an Explorer.


Thank you for the link. I am going through the examples now.
This is my very first attempt at a COM object, very new to OOP.

Do you see any problems when glancing at the code ? Mainly with
checking for the Explorer as you stated. I'm really not sure where
to begin.

Many thanks.


ahh. i think i may have found the problem. i tried both my code and the
sample itemcb code. if neither
one is loaded, the OUTLOOK.EXE process is 100% ended when the program is

however, if either my code or the sample code is run, the process is not
ended, and stays open, thus,
causing the error report to be generated (on some machines).

whenever either codes are NOT run on the problematic machine, no error
report. if the code loads,
modifying the toolbar, error report.

it seems that the .delete method doesn't actually delete it, or at least,
enough for outlook to fully close.
any ideas ?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I see a lot of problems in the code you showed, starting with the fact
you aren't checking for an ActiveExplorer before you start doing
anything else. ItemsCB shows the correct way to do all that and when
trapping the Inspector and Explorer Close events monitors for 0
Explorers and Inspectors to know when to shut itself down. You cannot
do that in the On_Disconnection event handler only because it won't
fire when Outlook is shut down if there are any Outlook objects
instantiated in your addin until you have released those objects.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Deleting a custom menu item or toolbar when closing down and also
declaring it as Temporary when creating it is the correct way to go.
I'd think if you're still not shutting down then either you aren't
releasing all Outlook objects or handling all errors in your COM

I haven't yet seen ItemsCB cause Outlook to not shut down in the years
I've been working with it. Are you using any synch software? If you
aren't checking for an ActiveExplorer before you instantiate your
addin and something like ActiveSynch starts Outlook first with no UI I
can see all sorts of hangs.

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