Trigger on leaving cell (of entire column)



The code below highlights the entire row I'm working on. When I leav
field $A$1 it popups a messagebox (just by example). I don't need t
make any changes to $A$1. All I have to do is leave it.

My question is.... what code should be replaced by what code to make i
work for every field in Column B? When the current cell is in column
and I press enter or move the down-cursor (or up button) I wish th
trigger to execute. Basically vertical movement in column B shoul
trigger it. I assume something with the IF condition *If Target.Addres
= "$A$1" Then* has to be changed, but what :) Trial and error so far.

Dim rTriggerCell As Range

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'Triggers highlight of target row
Dim strRow As String

With Target.EntireRow
strRow = .Address
.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _
Formula1:="=COUNTA(" & strRow & ")>0"

.FormatConditions(1).Font.Bold = True
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 34
End With

'Triggers an action upon user exiting cell A1
On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Entered into Trigger cell
If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
Set rTriggerCell = Target
Application.EnableEvents = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End If

If Not rTriggerCell Is Nothing Then 'They are leaving A1
MsgBox "You just left cell A1", vbInformation, ""
Set rTriggerCell = Nothing
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Su

Tom Ogilvy

Target.Address gives the address of the cell you have just selected/entered,
not the cell you just left.

In any event, for the same functionality you could use

If Target.column = 2 then

K Dales

First you need a way to track what column you have left, just like
rTriggerCell is used to track when you are in cell $A$1. So at the top of
the module, right above or under Dim rTriggerCell as Range, add a line saying:
Dim TriggerColumn as Integer
Now within the Worksheet_SelectionChange sub, add this block of code:

' See if both the prior selection and the new selection (Target) are in
column B:
If TriggerColumn = 2 And Target.Cells(1,1).Column=2 Then
MsgBox "Vertical move in column B"
End If
TriggerColumn = Target.Cells(1,1).Column

A couple notes:
- In one specific case this will fail: If the workbook is opened with the
selection in column B and the user moves to another cell in column B, this
first move will not be detected unless you add code to the Workbook_Open
procedure to set the value of TriggerColumn (you would need to make it a
Public variable to do this)
- There are ways to more efficiently combine this with the existing code,
but I want to keep it simple for you

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