Trouble with copy & paste from Visa web site



Columnar figures were copied and pasted into my XL sheet from my USB VISA
online account. I am unable to use the auto sum because XL does not read
them as dollar/numbers. I have used the edit/clear/contents, and the
format/cells/categories/..., as well as using the $ in the toolbars.
Nothing will allow the $sign to be deleted from in front of the dollar
amount either. The dollar sign is initially flush left (adjacent to the
left and the numbers are beside it), no matter what the amount is. I am
assuming that someone is using the $ sign as a character. However, I do not
know how to clear this setting, let alone know what they call it.

When the auto sum is used in totally several numbers, the result is merely
($ - ) in the cell instead of a total. Customer service (hah!) states
they do not answer questions on the use of XL.

Manual reinsertion of the pasted numbers results in a total, but reinserting
long columns of numbers is not what I want to happen every time I want
information. I am tired of it. No other USB account does this; just Visa.
And no, I do not was to import it from the site. Sometimes I only want a
single transaction, etc.

Anyyyyyyyyyyyy help would be most graciously appreciated.

Peo Sjoblom

Try to see if you can do data>import external data and select WebQuery
OTOH there should be an option to export the data from the VISA site,
probably as CSV


Here's one option that might work. After you've pasted the data into Excel...

Enter a 1 into any blank cell
Copy that Cell
Select the range of numbers to "fix"
From the Edit Menu, select "Paste Special"
Check the "Value" and "Multiply" options
Click OK
Delete the 1 you entered originally

This basically multiplies all of the data by 1, which forces Excel to
reevaluate the data as a number without actually changing the value.


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