Trying To Create New Rule (as macro?) With Visual Basic



I don't know Visual Basic, outside of a few examples I found through Google..
I'm trying to write a rule to compensate for laziness caused by program changes. Used to be, case numbers for family law cases where I work were written as follows: 12-DR-012345. Now, you can get away with 12DR12345, and thefile management program accepts it.
I had a filter in MS Outlook so that all messages with -DR- in it got movedto a subfolder in my email, with the name Family Law. Now that people can be lazy, that rule can't work.
I tried following guidelines at this location:
mainly those in the "first page" area. For a while my rule would pop up when a message came in with the new format, so I assume the rule "saw it". Unfortunately, I can't move the message to my Family Law subfolder.
This is what my routine looks like:

Sub CaseNumberFilter(Message As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim MatchesSubject, MatchesBody
Dim RegEx As New RegExp

'e.g. 1000-10'
RegEx.Pattern = "([0-9]{2}DR[0-9]{6})"

'Check for pattern in subject and body'
If (RegEx.Test(Message.Subject) Or RegEx.Test(Message.Body)) Then
Set MatchesSubject = RegEx.Execute(Message.Subject)
Set MatchesBody = RegEx.Execute(Message.Body)
If Not (MatchesSubject Is Nothing And MatchesBody Is Nothing) Then
'Assign "Job Number" category'
Message.Categories = "Job Number"
End If
End If
End Sub

No idea what to do to make it work. Appreciate any help. Now that programming lets people "be lazy", I'll need three versions of this macro/routine. The number I'm filtering for could resemble anything from:

1DR1 to 12DR012345.

Thanks in advance.
Oh, my shop used MS Office 2007.

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