Trying to email a Snapshot File via Macro. ERROR: "The formats .



Trying to email a Snapshot File via Macro.

ERROR: "The formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft excel,
rich-text format, MS-DOS text, or HTML file are missing or incorrectly
registered in the windows registry."

This works on my devp pc... Office XP devpr. WinXP .

Target PC .. using RUNTIME. WinXP won't email snapshot file via converted
macro. Does Work on another target pc using Office 2000 and Access2003.

I did not package the IE 5.x with my app. I did include System Files. and
my MSAccess.exe Target pc does have Excel... don't know about Access.

Are there other files that I should include in my package? .. Or is there a
fix for the registry??? I'm very ignorant with respect to the registry.
Have edited only under direction.

Thanks tp

'69 Camaro

Trying to email a Snapshot File via Macro.
ERROR: "The formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft excel,
rich-text format, MS-DOS text, or HTML file are missing or incorrectly
registered in the windows registry."

Ensure that there's a valid path and file name (i.e., the file exists in the
path specified, and both the path and file name contain no illegal
characters: !@#$%^&*():;).

You may need to re-register the DLL's. Locate the following files on the
target computer:

msexcl40.dll (Excel)
msxbse40.dll (dBase)
mspdox40.dll (Paradox)
mstext40.dll (Text, CSV, tab-delimited)

They are usually found in the C:\Windows\System32 directory for Windows XP.
To re-register these DLL's, use the Windows Start -> Run command line. For
example, try:

Regsvr32.EXE "C:\Windows\System32\msexcl40.DLL"

If the above recommendations don't work, then the Snapshot Viewer may also
need to be installed on the target computer. The Snapshot Viewer is freely
downloadable from Microsoft and can read snapshot files created in Access 97
through 2003. One may download the Snapshot Viewer and both security patches
from links on this Web page:
Target pc does have Excel... don't know about Access.

You'd better know. If a new version of Access is installed on a computer
that already has another version of Access installed, then if the appropriate
precautions aren't taken to ensure compatible coexistance, it will mess up at
least one version of Access -- often to the point of making one version
unusable. You are responsible for fixing the problems you create.


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See for Microsoft Access tips.

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adds your question and the answers to the database of answers. Remember that
questions answered the quickest are often from those who have a history of
rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions


Thank you!
.........another question then. I was under the understanding that It was
ok to install the runtime files along with other Access.exe's if hey existed
and then force the application to use the rntime version. I know on my
WinXP I can run ACC97 and ACCXP ath the same time... but I think you have to
shut one down to run another on Win2002... Also what about program
upgrades... Access leaves the previous version installed on your pc when you
only buy an upgrade.

If not then that poses another question... How during the setup routine
of the packager will the setup know where to find the appropriate Access file
on the target to create the shortcut which launches the application...

Mine on my devp pc says somethng like : "E:\Program Files\Microsoft
OfficeXP\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" "C:\program
files\DIRTTRACKER\DIRTTRACKER_4_2_5.mdb" /WRKGRP "C:\program

On the target pc they might not have an \office10 directory. Where will
setup look for the Office files. I supplied MSACCESS and dumped it into my
application directory so that I could direct where the shortcut would find
it. When distributing the application are we to expect various users to be
able ot track down their versions and locations then construct their own

I definately don't want to create any issues for my clients... the
application is only supposed to make them more productive... not mad.

Is there a Runtime for Dummies ... or something like it?

thanks, tp

'69 Camaro

........another question then.
Also what about program
If not then that poses another question.
Where will
setup look for the Office files.
When distributing the application are we to expect various users to be
able ot track down their versions and locations then construct their own
Is there a Runtime for Dummies ... or something like it?

I'm beginning to see why your previous post went unanswered. If you post a
question and then add additional follow-up questions, then you run the risk
that those who answered the first question won't have the time to answer all
of the other questions in a timely manner, because they may have to do a lot
of research to get those answers for you. The intention of the newsgroups is
to ask and receive advice and short snippets of code. A newsgroup post isn't
intended to be "all you ever wanted to know" about a given topic from someone
who is volunteering his own time to help others. That's why the average
question in these newsgroups has only 1.5 replies and each post averages
fewer than 25 lines.

Try to keep it to one question per thread, unless there's a very closely
related question that would require repetitiveness if posted to a new thread.
That way, you're more likely to get quick responses from people who already
know the answer to that particular question, even if they don't know the
answer to some of the others you'd like to ask.
I was under the understanding that It was
ok to install the runtime files along with other Access.exe's if hey existed

Multiple versions of Access can co-exist, as long as certain precautions
have been taken to prevent problems. Without these precautions,
inconvenience to downright disasters can happen. How would you like to spend
a year developing an Access 2000 database application, then have the Access
2002 Runtime installed, only to find that your tens of thousands of lines of
VBA code are irretrievably currupted because you hadn't also installed MS
Office 2000 SP-3? You'd be hopping mad when you found out what caused this
and then force the application to use the rntime version.

The problem with this is that forcing the computer to use the Access Runtime
for your application often ensures that the only version of Access that runs
properly on the computer _is_ the Runtime version, and if they've got the
retail version of Access installed, then this can be a big pain to
reconfigure the computer if it's a novice trying to fix the problem himself.
I know on my
WinXP I can run ACC97 and ACCXP ath the same time... but I think you have to
shut one down to run another on Win2002...

Win2002? No such thing, but regardless, more than one version of Access can
run concurrently on Windows OS's, as long as there's enough RAM.
Also what about program
upgrades... Access leaves the previous version installed on your pc when you
only buy an upgrade.

Not necessarily. One can install the upgrade version with only the CD's
available for the previous version. It depends upon the application and
which version it is. More recent versions allow the "check the CD" to verify
ownership of a qualifying product for the upgrade.
How during the setup routine
of the packager will the setup know where to find the appropriate Access file
on the target to create the shortcut which launches the application...

My setup routine gathers all of the information it needs from the Registry
and the hard drive, then gives the user the available options for the
installation. Since you aren't using the same setup routine, you'll either
need to configure yours to be smarter than "accept only these defaults or
else cancel the installation," or you'll need to write your own custom setup
Mine on my devp pc says somethng like : "E:\Program Files\Microsoft

You have a boot partition on your E:\ drive? If you want to avoid
configuration problems, boot partitions and installations of executables
should always be the C:\ drive, no matter which partition you've booted up on.
On the target pc they might not have an \office10 directory. Where will
setup look for the Office files.

Wherever it's configured to look. Have you examined your setup scripts?
Perhaps you need to edit them or create your own custom scripts.
When distributing the application are we to expect various users to be
able ot track down their versions and locations then construct their own

If you are incredibly lucky to have customers that are computer savvy enough
where they can create their own shortcuts that work correctly the first time,
then you are probably dreaming. Always be prepared to spoon feed them and
chew their food, too, because if your application doesn't work, then they
won't use it. And if they don't use it, then they will be extremely
unwilling to part with their money.
Is there a Runtime for Dummies ... or something like it?

No. Everyone pretty much learns this with repeated OJT. But feel free to
write one yourself and post it to the Web for those unfortunates who come
after you.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address so that a message will
be forwarded to me.)
- - -
If my answer has helped you, please sign in and answer yes to the question
"Did this post answer your question?" at the bottom of the message, which
adds your question and the answers to the database of answers. Remember that
questions answered the quickest are often from those who have a history of
rewarding the contributors who have taken the time to answer questions


Sorry... didn't mean to have you write a novel. I do appreciate your help;
and I'll try to keep it to one qstn pet post in the future. I didn't know
that was the protocol.

Thanks, tp

'69 Camaro

I didn't know
that was the protocol.

It's not a matter of protocol. It's a matter of fairness and proper
management of scarce resources. On any given weekday, you'll see an average
of about 300 new threads posted in the Access newsgroups. There aren't
enough experts to answer every one of these questions, but the volunteers
try to get as many as they can.

Say one of those experts has enough time to answer four of these questions
when he comes home from a long day at work. Each of those four questioners
asks six additional follow-up questions (not clarification of the suggested
solution, but follow-up questions of "while we're on the subject, I just
have a few more questions . . ."). Sorry. Time's up for the day, because
the expert has other obligations to attend to. All four questioners have to
wait for their answers until this expert has more time.

On the next day, the expert answers several of these questions. He knows
the answer to a few of one questioner's follow-up questions, but needs to do
some research to adequately answer the others, which takes up the allotted
time for that day -- yet the other three questioners are still waiting.

On the next day when the expert has more time, he answers the follow-up
questions from the second questioner. He then runs out of time, so the
other two questioners who have already been waiting for two days have to
wait longer. Over the next two days, the expert finishes up answering the
follow-up questions for these other two.

During these four days, several questions are posted in this expert's area
of expertise, but he's busy helping others, so these questions go unanswered
for days. How fair was it that several people who needed a specialist had
to wait several days to get their questions answered? Of the four follow-up
questioners, how fair was it that the expert picked the first and made the
others wait for one or more additional days? It's not very fair at all, but
one person can only do so much. How would you like to be the one who ended
up at the end of the line? You wouldn't.

Instead of these folks all waiting in line for a single expert to answer
their questions, if they'd just broken up their list of questions and posted
them individually (or as closely related pairs of questions) in new threads,
then the experts who felt that they were best qualified to answer each of
these threads would have done so, and none of these questioners would have
had to wait for days for their answers from someone who may not have been
the best qualified to answer all of these additional questions.

So in the interest of fairness -- both to you and to everyone else -- and
managing what limited resources we have available, please don't get carried
away. All of your questions are still welcome, but remember that many hands
make light work.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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