two child fields from one parent table relation




I think I will post this in this newsgroup instead of the General

I have been thinking about this problem.

If I add an Auto Number to the [Mix] table, and make the "Color_Mixed" an
attribute instead of a primary key, will this make any difference...
logically, physcially, or biologically?

So the [Mix] table will look like:
1) Color (FK)
2) Counter (PK)
3) Color_Mixed (FK)

Instead of:
1) Color (FK)
2) Color_Mixed (FK)

Where 1) + 2) = Primary Key for the table

boaz said:

I have 2 tables. One is a [Color] table. Another one is a [Mix] table.
The idea is to have a record of what colors are being mixed to make
another color.

In the [Color] table (parent):
I have one field "Color" as the primary key

In the [Mix] table (child)
I have the primary key with 2 fields -> Color + Color_Mixed
I have 2 records for: "Purple is mixed with Green and Blue"
Purple - Green
Purple - Blue

How do I create a relationship for both Color and Color_Mixed to point to
the only key field in the [Color] table?

I can only drag a "relationship" line from one table to another table. If
I drag another "relationship" line, Visio will give me an error.

There is no answer.
There has not been an answer.
There will not be an answer.
That IS the answer!
And I am screwed.
Deadline was due yesterday.

There is no point to life.
And we are screwed.
We will run out of oil soon.

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