Unable to connect to DB w/ Visio Pro 2002


Michael O'Brien

from windows 2000 client: I am unable to connect to an
Oracle 64-bit DB using Visio. Getting "ORA-12514:
TNS:listener could not resolve SERVICE_NAME in connect
descriptor" error.

I was able to connect to a separate 32-bit DB that's
located on a different server but for some reason this one
is getting an error.

In addition, I can connect to the DB using Oracle sqlplus
and TOAD but the main difference is that those
applications do not ask what server the database is
located on(which is set up using the Data Sources(ODBC)
configuration in Win2k). Toad and Oracle sqlplus use the
public DNS to find the database name.

Is there any way around this? Is there a way to get Visio
to access the public DNS rather than having to go through
the "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" driver which requires a
server name?

Michael O'Brien

Found the answer after asking DBAs and digging through
Microsoft ODBC documentation.

Because our office uses a centralized DNS(SQL*Net) instead
of tnsnames.ora, I am not able to connect to the database
by specifying what server it sits on.

Instead of specifying the physical server the database
sits on, I entered the database name in the "Server" field
of ODBC. Once that was done, I was able reverse engineer
a few tables.

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