Unable to edit site online using FrontPage 2000


Rachel Amoroso

I am trying to edit a website online using FrontPage 2000.
The server has frontPage extensions installed and I am able to logon using
my password etc.
The problem is that only half of each page is shown and I am unable to
scroll down and edit the lower half of any of my pages. I can scroll from
left to right, but the top to bottom scroll bar on the right hand side of
the screen is not active.
The original site was designed using Net Objects Fusion 7.5. is there a
compatability issue here or is there something I can do to get to edit the
rest of my site.

Kara Scott


You probably have to try and publish the site to your computer. However this may not work using FP. Workaround, FTP the files to your HD then try import.

Stefan B Rusynko

Switch to html view and see if the page is using layers or hidden div tags

| I am trying to edit a website online using FrontPage 2000.
| The server has frontPage extensions installed and I am able to logon using
| my password etc.
| The problem is that only half of each page is shown and I am unable to
| scroll down and edit the lower half of any of my pages. I can scroll from
| left to right, but the top to bottom scroll bar on the right hand side of
| the screen is not active.
| The original site was designed using Net Objects Fusion 7.5. is there a
| compatability issue here or is there something I can do to get to edit the
| rest of my site.
| Kara Scott

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