Unable to Turn off Sandbox mode



I am getting the standard security warnings when I open any of my Access 2003
database. So I went into the Macro/Security option and turned the security
warnings to low. Now when I reload the database its like I did nothing at
all; the warnings are back and the setting is back to medium.

I thought that I could get around this by editing the sandbox option
directly in the registry at
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Jet/4.0/Engines/SandBoxMode however this seems to not
have worked either. The registry entry now has a value of 0. but the security
warning still shows up and the setting is back to medium (with the reg entry
at 0).

Is this what we would call a "feature" or is there a patch or something
somewhere to correct this?

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

Group Policy settings will reset your registry settings for the next time you
log in.

Microsoft MVP


Right I thought that too. However when I briefly upgraded from 2003 to 2007
the problem was solved and I was able to permanently turn off the security
warnings. Plus the registry entry never changes back from 0 only the setting
in Access changes.

Also I noticed if I deleted the SandBoxMode registry entry it would be
recreated next time I loaded access with a value of 2. This leads me to
beleive that I was changing the correct entry initially and that the problem
is in Access not the group policy settings.


Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

What you're describing is a setting that's overriding the Access registry
settings. The usual suspect on that is group policy settings. That's why I
suggested it.

When you were asked "Do you want to evaluate unsafe expressions?" what was
your answer?

Microsoft MVP

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

You get this new registry entry after you delete it because you have Jet 4
sp8 installed, not because you have Access installed. Earlier versions of
Jet have no effect on this registry key.

Microsoft MVP

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