unattended install



Is there a way to do a silent (unattended) install with
office 97? Or Office 2000? I know you can do an
unnattended install with Windows 2000 PRo. I was seeing
if I can do the same with office 2000 or 97.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

http://microsoft.com/office/ork - look for your version of the Resource Kit.
Instructions are there.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

Having searched the archives and finding no answer, Tim
<[email protected]> asked:
| Is there a way to do a silent (unattended) install with
| office 97? Or Office 2000? I know you can do an
| unnattended install with Windows 2000 PRo. I was seeing
| if I can do the same with office 2000 or 97.
| Thanks

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