Understanding theme1.xml


David Thielen

Ok, I think I've got this - please correct me if I am wrong:

There is 0 or 1 theme file so we just look for a theme file.

In a theme file there can only be one <a:fontScheme ...> so we just look for
ti and if it's there, use it.

The major and minor fonts have 3 general font settings, a:latin, a:ea, and
a:cs (the rest are language specific). If it has a setting of typeface=""
that means it has no them font for that charset type.

These then map over to styles.xml where in the w:rFonts you can have
w:asciiTheme="minorHAnsi" which means for ascii characters use the a:latin
font from the minotFont setting in theme1.xml. The mapping is:
minorAscii -> use a:latin
minorHAnsi -> use a:latin
minorEastAsia -> use a:ea
minorBidi -> use a:cs

There is no latinTheme so the default latin font is the ascii one.

Finally, rFonts has cstheme= rather than csTheme= - is that a Word bug or is
that one purposely not capitalized?

thanks - dave

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Jialiang Ge [MSFT]

Hello Dave,

This is generally correct, except that if the Theme does not specify a font
for a particular slot, then Word uses its own default for this particular

If you have any other concern or need anything else, please feel free to
let me know.

Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
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Jialiang Ge [MSFT]

Hello Dave,

The items <a:latin, <a:ea, and <a:cs are necessary in a Word theme file. If
they are removed, Word will report an theme error when you try to open the
document. Yet, the language specific slots are optional. If they are
removed and the typeface of a:ea or a:cs is also not specified (<a:ea
typeface="" />), Word uses the default font defined in the theme "Office".
If I misunderstand you question, please feel free to point it out. Thanks.

Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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