Unlocking fields


Eric G

I'd like to be able to code so that when a particular UserID logs in
via a password form, several control fields on another form are
unlocked and then locked again when that form is closed.

The UserID is entered in a control called cboUserID on a form named
'frmPassword'. The control has three columns, the first containing the

The tab form that has the control fields that need to be unlocked is
called 'frmTab'. On frmTab's 2nd tab there lies two forms:
Parent form called 'frmTabStudent' and subform called

The control fields that I'd like to unlock are on this

Guidance on the commands to unlock and lock several fields would be
greatly appreciated! I hope I've provided enough info.

TIA Eric

Van T. Dinh

In the Form_Load Event of the Form "frmTab", use something like:

If Forms!frmPassword!cboUserID.Value = {whatever} Then
With Me.SubformControl.Form
.Control.Enabled = True
.Control.Locked = False
End With
End If

Note that the name of the Subform*Control* may be *different* from the name
of the Form ("frmTabStudentSub") being used as the Subform (more technically
accurate, being used as the SourceObject of the SubformControl).

Eric G

Hi Van,

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

I wasn't sure what to put in for the values.
I put in:

If Forms!frmPassword!cboUserID.Value = EGR Then
With Me.frmTabStudentSub.Form
.Control.Enabled = True
.Control.Locked = False
End With
End If

Maybe I'm way off still? Anyways, what happened was the Password form
came up, I entered UserID and Password. Then the main Tab form opened
but closed right away and the Password form opened again. Stuck in
that loop.

Again here are the names of forms, controls:
Page1 of frmTab has
frmTabStudentSub (subform)
controls on this subform that I need unlocked are:
Status, TeacherID, Reason

I thought of another general way to go about this if it might be
easier. Instead of linking my password to this subform, perhaps imbed
a double-click event on a label on this subform and have the unlock
commands work from this event? If this would be easier I'd be OK with
I still wouldn't know the commands to put into the event though.

TIA Eric

Van T. Dinh

What is "EGR"?

How do you check the entered password matches with the password of the
seleted user?

Eric G

Hi Van,
What is "EGR"?

EGR is 1 of 60 user ID's that can be entered in the password form.

How do you check the entered password matches with the password of the
seleted user?

If Not IsNull(Me!cboUserID) Then
If Me!txtPassword = Me!cboUserID.Column(1) Then

'Log User into LogUser table
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "LogUserInQry", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Open frmTab
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmTab"
End If

Thanks again! Eric

Van T. Dinh

Since it is a String, you should use:

If Forms!frmPassword!cboUserID.Value = "EGR" Then

Make sure the BoundColumn of the ComboBox is the one that gives "EGR" or
similar values.

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