Unrecognized Database Format



I'm using Access 2003 with various databases. One database will no longer
open - instead it gives the message "unrecognized database format". All
other databases will open so the problem is with this one only. The last
time it was closed, a new record was being added. Before this was completed,
the escape key was pressed and the database closed. The database closed
after hanging for a short while. Is there a way of getting the database to
open? I've tried to compact and repair as suggested in the Help portion of
the error message but can't open the database to complete this action.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Jeff Boyce


Make a copy before doing anything else. If you don't already have a backup,
this copy may be your only way to get the data back, and may still require
an expensive recovery...

Now, create a new, empty .mdb file. Try to import the data tables in the
"unrecognized" database. If this doesn't work, you won't have a lot of
options left. If it does, try to import some of the other pieces. Keep
going until your "new" .mdb holds all of the pieces.

Another possibility is that using the undocumented /decompile flag may help
repair what sounds like a corrupted database. Take a look at Tony Towes'
website for options...



Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Many thanks for trying to save me from myself. Unfortunately, I couldn't
import the data tables but got the same message again. I guess being too
busy to backup isn't a good theory but at least I have a backup and can
re-enter too many days of work.

Can you tell me what caused this or, more precisely, if I caused it, what I
did so I can avoid in the future? Thanks again.

Jeff Boyce


Only a guess, but you did describe shutting down before Access finished.

There's plenty of mentions in the newsgroups of corruption that happens if a
user "kicks out the plug" before Access completes a transaction...

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Tony Toews

Ben said:
Can you tell me what caused this or, more precisely, if I caused it, what I
did so I can avoid in the future?

There can be many causes.

For more information on corruption including possible causes,
determining the offending PC, retrieving your data, links, official MS
KB articles and a list of vendors who state they can fix corruption
see the Microsoft Access Corruption FAQ at


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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