Update on fiscal year



Thanks to Marshall Barton I have solved some of the problem. I got the box
to total up the right number of months to a fiscal year by changing some code
but when it comes to next year in April it continues to total up instead of
starting a new year. Fiscal year is 1 April to 31 March

Public Function gettxt6MET(UserID As Variant) As Integer
Dim strWhere As String

If Not IsNull(UserID) Then
strWhere = "UserID = " & UserID & " AND inputText = 'Book Off Sick' AND
Inputdate > #" & Format(DateAdd("m", -8, Date)) & "#"
gettxt6MET = DCount("UserID", "tblInput", strWhere)
End If
End Function

Any ideas, thanx in advance - my programming is limited so please be gentle

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