UpdateLink Problem



Hello All
File1.xlsb is open and has all the code in it.
The code opens File2.xlsb, without issues, and when I try to update a single
link in File2.xlsb the following error error message occurs:
RTError 1004 "Method UpdateLink of object _Workbook failed"
Then the message
"Cannot run the macro 'File2_MyRibbonInitialise'. The macro may not be

I used the following code for the update:

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic '(Just in case it needs to
be on)
Application.Workbooks("File2.xlsb").UpdateLink _
Name:="\\mappeddrive\..\..\..\..\..\linkedfile.xlsb", _
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

The macro 'File2_MyRibbonInitialise' will have already run as File2 opened
(for the ribbon callbacks). The UpdateLink is trying to run it again and
giving the above errors.

Any ideas to prevent this happening.

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