Urgent. Excel automation error




Sorry to trouble you again. I have a module that takes recordsets and shoves them into an excel file one at a time (a different sheet for each recordset). The code should work fine logically, and when only sending the recordsets one at a time does great. The problem comes when looping to different recordsets and going back to the workbook to select the next sheet where we can store the next loaded data set. I have put a * next to where it fails. The error is this:

Run-time error '-2147417851 (80010105)':
Automation error
The server threw an exception

Here is the relevant part of code. GetPatReprst is the sub to get the recordset, stagecounter is an integer. This is looped further up by increasing stagecounter. Always falls the second time through on the worksheet activate bit (I've tried setting stagecounter to show the name of the worksheet and everything)...

With XLObject
.Application.Visible = True
.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
.Worksheets(stagecounter + 1).Activate '* This is where the error occurs the second time round.
.ActiveSheet.Range("A9").CopyFromRecordset rstdata
End With

I hope you might have an idea on how to get round this problem.

Many many thanks,


Ken Snell

What is XLObject? Unless it's a workbook object (which I doubt, after
looking at your code), your reference to the .Worksheets(stagecounter +
1).Activate in the With block seems inappropriate. My guess is that
(assuming that stagecounter + 1 is never greater than the count of
worksheets) the code doesn't know what to do with this step after the first
time through the loop, as it's not properly referenced.

Can you tell those of us that weren't involved in your apparently earlier
thread how you open the workbook, etc.?

Ken Snell

Basil said:

Sorry to trouble you again. I have a module that takes recordsets and
shoves them into an excel file one at a time (a different sheet for each
recordset). The code should work fine logically, and when only sending the
recordsets one at a time does great. The problem comes when looping to
different recordsets and going back to the workbook to select the next sheet
where we can store the next loaded data set. I have put a * next to where
it fails. The error is this:
Run-time error '-2147417851 (80010105)':
Automation error
The server threw an exception

Here is the relevant part of code. GetPatReprst is the sub to get the
recordset, stagecounter is an integer. This is looped further up by
increasing stagecounter. Always falls the second time through on the
worksheet activate bit (I've tried setting stagecounter to show the name of
the worksheet and everything)...
With XLObject
.Application.Visible = True
.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
.Worksheets(stagecounter + 1).Activate '* This is
where the error occurs the second time round.

Ken Snell

I obviously cannot test the entire code here, as I don't have the
appropriate data and such all set up for a test. I've gone through the code
and can't find any obvious errors.

However, it's possible that the error is occurring because you're using the
default "activesheet" type references, and this may be caused by what the
code does in the other functions.

Why not try this and see if it helps. Let's replace these three lines of
code in the SendPatReptoExcel subroutine

.ActiveSheet.Range("A9").CopyFromRecordset rstdata

to these lines:

.Sheets(patientreport).Range("A9").CopyFromRecordset rstdata

This uses specific references and there is less likelihood of the wrong
spreadsheet being accessed.

Post back and let us know.
Ken Snell

Basil said:
Thanks for getting back to me Ken, it is really appreciated. Here is the detail that you asked.

Firstly, I don't think my previous messages went through. Secondly, I
thought it would be easier to show you the full code. I am running MS
Access 97. I have also tried to put the activate worksheet line outside of
the With Statement - it made no difference. One thing I have noticed is
that it seems to also error the first time round if the first sheet
referenced is not the default on workbook open. Stepping through the stages
it does seem to recognise (only on the first loop) what I am asking it to do
as in Excel it will activate the appropriate sheet and even successfully
complete any worksheet_onActivate procedures (when they exist) - but then
moving back to Access it will produce the error. Here is the full code (the
simplest version - I've tried loads of alternative methods), thanks for you
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Declare API routines:
Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias _
"FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As Long) As Long

Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias _
"SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, _
ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Private dbs As Database
Private rstdata As Recordset
Public XLObject As Object 'Variable to hold MS Excel objects
Public XLRunning As Boolean 'Flag to hold initial state of MS Excel
Public reporttype As String
Public patientreport As String
Public ReferringTrust As String
Private patrepemail As String
Private rstdatacount As Long
Private nodata As Boolean

Function HasOutlook() As Boolean 'Returns 'True' if MS Outlook can be activated

On Error Resume Next

Dim OLObject As Object

Set OLObject = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Attempts to open MS Outlook object
HasOutlook = (Err.Number = 0) 'Returns 'True' if
there is no error, Else 'False'
End Function

Function XLStatus() 'Enters the status
of Excel into XLRunning variable
'and registers it in Running Object Table
Const WM_USER = 1024
Dim hWnd As Long

hWnd = FindWindow("XLMAIN", 0) 'This API call returns Excel's handle
If hWnd = 0 Then '0 means Excel not running
XLRunning = False
Exit Function

SendMessage hWnd, WM_USER + 18, 0, 0 'Excel is running so use the SendMessage API
XLRunning = True 'function to enter it in the Running Object Table

End If

End Function

Private Sub EmailPatXLRep()

Dim tabrecipient As TableDef
Dim rstrecipient As Recordset
Dim counter

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tabrecipient = dbs.TableDefs("Referring Trusts")
Set rstrecipient = tabrecipient.OpenRecordset


Do Until rstrecipient.EOF

ReferringTrust = rstrecipient("National Site/Trust Name")
patrepemail = rstrecipient("Patient Level Contact Email")
Forms![external reporting]!cborecipient = ReferringTrust

If nodata = True Then

XLObject.SendMail patrepemail, "RPH Patient Report"

End If



If XLRunning = False Then XLObject.Application.Quit

End Sub

Private Sub CreatePatXLRep()

Dim counter

counter = 0
rstdatacount = 0
nodata = True

counter = counter + 1

Select Case counter

Case 1
patientreport = "Referral"

Case 2
patientreport = "Pre-Operative Clinic"

Case 3
patientreport = "Booked List"

Case 4
patientreport = "Inpatient"

Case 5
patientreport = "Post-Operative Clinic"

End Select


Loop Until counter = 5

If rstdatacount > 0 Then nodata = False

End Sub

Private Sub SendPatReptoExcel()

Dim Master As String, TargetFile As String 'Variables for referencing external files

If patientreport = "Referral" Then
Master = "M:\RPH - Reporting\Reporting Components\Master External Patient Report.xls"
TargetFile = "M:\Patient Flow Team\External Reports\Patient
Reports\" & ReferringTrust & ".xls"
XLStatus 'Check if
Microsoft Excel is already running
On Error GoTo err_mastertarget
If Dir(TargetFile) <> "" Then
Kill TargetFile
End If

FileCopy Master, TargetFile

Set XLObject = GetObject(TargetFile) 'Set the
object variable to reference the target file
End If


With XLObject
.Application.Visible = True
.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
.ActiveSheet.Range("A9").CopyFromRecordset rstdata
End With


Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number

Case 53
MsgBox "The Master Excel file has been moved or it's directory has changed@Please contact the " _
& "administrator to report the problem@", vbOKOnly +
vbExclamation, "Error " & Err.Number
Case 70
MsgBox "The Master file is currently open@Please ensure it is
closed and re-run this procedure@", , _
"Error " & Err.Number

Case 75
MsgBox "The target file is currently open@Please close the file and re-run this procedure@", _
vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error " & Err.Number

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description, , Err.Number

End Select

Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub GetPatReprst()

Dim qry As QueryDef 'Variables for referencing the Access Objects
Set dbs = CurrentDb

Set qry = dbs.QueryDefs("qryExternal " & patientreport & " Report")

If patientreport = "Referral" Then
qry.Parameters(0) = Forms![external reporting]!cborecipient
qry.Parameters(1) = Forms![external reporting]!txtstdate

qry.Parameters(0) = Forms![external reporting]!txtstdate

End If

Set rstdata = qry.OpenRecordset
rstdatacount = rstdatacount + rstdata.RecordCount

End Sub


Hi Ken,

Thanks for this suggestion. Unfortunately it makes no difference. I really urgently need to find a way around this... 30 hospitals are waiting on me! They insist on getting the data in an Excel workbook.

Is there some alternative methodology that I can use to simply shove the data from 5 different queries into 5 different sheets of the same workbook?

How would you have done it?

Thanks loads,


----- Ken Snell wrote: -----

I obviously cannot test the entire code here, as I don't have the
appropriate data and such all set up for a test. I've gone through the code
and can't find any obvious errors.

However, it's possible that the error is occurring because you're using the
default "activesheet" type references, and this may be caused by what the
code does in the other functions.

Why not try this and see if it helps. Let's replace these three lines of
code in the SendPatReptoExcel subroutine

.ActiveSheet.Range("A9").CopyFromRecordset rstdata

to these lines:

.Sheets(patientreport).Range("A9").CopyFromRecordset rstdata

This uses specific references and there is less likelihood of the wrong
spreadsheet being accessed.

Post back and let us know.

Tim Ferguson

Is there some alternative methodology that I can use to simply shove
the data from 5 different queries into 5 different sheets of the same

Do it in the workbook...

Tim F

Ken Snell

If all you want to do is to write five queries into separate worksheets in
the same workbook, use the TransferSpreadsheet command five times, once for
each stored query, and use the same file name as the target file for all
five. ACCESS will write each query onto its own spreadsheet.

See Help for more details about TransferSpreadsheet.

Ken Snell

Basil said:
Hi Ken,

Thanks for this suggestion. Unfortunately it makes no difference. I
really urgently need to find a way around this... 30 hospitals are waiting
on me! They insist on getting the data in an Excel workbook.
Is there some alternative methodology that I can use to simply shove the
data from 5 different queries into 5 different sheets of the same workbook?


Cheers for the suggestions... sorry because I didn't explain it's complexity enough

The worksheets all have controls and stuff on them - the recordsets need to be pasted into row A9 of the sheets (A8 on 1 of them)

I have thought of 2 workable methods that might help
1. Allow 5 different variables to hold 5 different recordsets - open them all up, go to Excel and paste them all in - hopefully it won't crash when changing worksheet then
2. Close the workbook after pasting the data into each sheet and then re-open for the next sheet

I tried number 2 first and got a bit stuck on reopening the file for the 2nd recordset - there is another post up from me

Thanks so much
PS. Tim I did think of doing it all through Excel, but it is driven through an Access form and the looping, variable recordsets and file copying stuff seemed too complicated for me to tackle from a single click of a button on an Access Form.

Ken Snell

Your best bet will be using Automation to open the EXCEL file and then to
write into the specific cells on the sheets.

It's not overly difficult to do; here's some generic code for doing that
part (looping through the recordsets isn't difficult either):

Dim xlsApp As Object, xlsWB As Object, xlsWS As Object, xlsRng As Object
Set xlsApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlsWB = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\FolderName\FileName.xls", , True)
Set xlsWS = xlsWB.Worksheets("WorkSheetName")
Set xlsRng = xlsWS.Range("A1")
xlsRng.Value = VariableName
Set xlsRng = Nothing
Set xlsWS = Nothing
xlsWB.Close True
Set xlsWB = Nothing
Set xlsApp = Nothing

Ken Snell

Basil said:
Cheers for the suggestions... sorry because I didn't explain it's complexity enough.

The worksheets all have controls and stuff on them - the recordsets need
to be pasted into row A9 of the sheets (A8 on 1 of them).
I have thought of 2 workable methods that might help:
1. Allow 5 different variables to hold 5 different recordsets - open them
all up, go to Excel and paste them all in - hopefully it won't crash when
changing worksheet then.
2. Close the workbook after pasting the data into each sheet and then re-open for the next sheet.

I tried number 2 first and got a bit stuck on reopening the file for the
2nd recordset - there is another post up from me.
Thanks so much.
PS. Tim I did think of doing it all through Excel, but it is driven
through an Access form and the looping, variable recordsets and file copying
stuff seemed too complicated for me to tackle from a single click of a
button on an Access Form.


Ken - you're a star. Thanks for all your time and help.

I actually sorted out the problem... in a very weird way. I discovered the automation error was occuring when moving on to a specific sheet - God knows what was special about it? Anyway, I created 2 new sheets in the workbook and it now seems to work fine - even my original looping code! And bizarrly - the weird sheet also now works. I'm lost to be honest, but Microsoft has a magic way of doing weird things. It's now giving me another load of weird goings on in Excel, but I need a break!

I'll keep hold of your suggestions in case this current fix ends up unreliable. Thanks so much.

Just quickly as well, you wouldn't have any idea how to avoid the prompt to enable macros when opening the workbook would you? I've put a post in the Excel community, so don't take any time if not. Also, when the email is actioned it always prompts for me to add signature or not - do you know how I can bypass this without changing the email settings or using automation? - once again, if you don't know, don't worry about it - the latter is a minor problem.


Ken Snell

I previously have searched without success for a way to bypass that "enable
macros" message box in EXCEL. Only way to do it that I've found is to lower
the security setting of the EXCEL program so that it won't ask the question.

I have not worked with email messages via code yet, so I am completely
useless to you for that question. Sorry!

Ken Snell

Basil said:
Ken - you're a star. Thanks for all your time and help.

I actually sorted out the problem... in a very weird way. I discovered
the automation error was occuring when moving on to a specific sheet - God
knows what was special about it? Anyway, I created 2 new sheets in the
workbook and it now seems to work fine - even my original looping code! And
bizarrly - the weird sheet also now works. I'm lost to be honest, but
Microsoft has a magic way of doing weird things. It's now giving me another
load of weird goings on in Excel, but I need a break!
I'll keep hold of your suggestions in case this current fix ends up unreliable. Thanks so much.

Just quickly as well, you wouldn't have any idea how to avoid the prompt
to enable macros when opening the workbook would you? I've put a post in the
Excel community, so don't take any time if not. Also, when the email is
actioned it always prompts for me to add signature or not - do you know how
I can bypass this without changing the email settings or using automation? -
once again, if you don't know, don't worry about it - the latter is a minor


If you could bypass the security, it wouldn't be very secure, would

Your workaround (i.e. asking the user to lower their macro security
setting) is not recommended (neither by MS nor myself) because it
potentially exposes users to harmful macros.

The preferred approach is to sign the VBA project using a digital
certificate from a recognized authority (i.e. not one created with
selfcert.exe) so the user can accept the author as a trusted source.
This way, the high macro security setting can be kept and still have
the macros enabled (and see no "enable macros" message box either).


Tim Ferguson

TC said:
You say the user must take an active role. Is that by entering something
onto the selfcert screen?

I meant that they have to install the certificate, either in Explorer or in
Internet Options. Actually on my system, the .cer file type is double-
clickable, so I dread to think what would happen with a call like

vProcess = Shell("d:\download\TrashThisSystem.cer")

About the only thing that makes this tolerable is that it wouldn't run
without certification in the first place. But then again, there are so many
users who will double-click on anything that isn't nailed down, that it is
all pretty academic anyway :-(

Remember, we are talking about Microsoft, whose attitude to security is a
bit like a prostitute's attitude toward her clients.

All the best

Tim F


So, Tim, let me get this clear in my mind. Is this correct:
- install program copies selfcert.exe to user's PC;
- install program runs selfcert & enters any dialogs using win32 APIs etc;
- install program "runs" the resultant certificate file.

Yes? No?


Tim Ferguson

TC said:
So, Tim, let me get this clear in my mind. Is this correct:
- install program copies selfcert.exe to user's PC;

No: it's part of Office (in the optional bits) and it's only needed for the
developer anywy.
- install program runs selfcert & enters any dialogs using win32 APIs

No: it's a command prompt program. The developer works it to create a
certificate for him/ herself, and signs the code with the certificate, and
hands a copy of the certificate to the user.
etc; - install program "runs" the resultant certificate file.

This is the bit that I am suspicious about. Ideally, the user should use
his/ her own GUI to install it, but I guess it's possible for an install
program to do it silently and unknown. I just don't know.

Look: I am _not_ an expert in this. I have a system that seems to work for
me, but it's low volume and can be done by hand. I have tried to read the
MSKB articles but they rapidly start going over my head, because they are
aimed at corporate distributors.

<smiles weakly...>

All the best

Tim F


Sorry about the very late follow-up, but I just stumbled across this
Webpage, that is readable and also has a number of references to
follow up:-


and it seems to make a lot more sense than I did!

All the best

Tim F

Yes, thanks for that, it looks very good. I've only just skimmed it so
far, but it does seem to clarify "who does what to whom", as it were.

For example, I thought that the *user* ran selfcert to generate the
certificate. Now I see that the *developer* runs selfcert to generate
the certificate, then signs his product with that certificate, then
distributes his product *and the certificate* to the end user. Then
the end user, with a degree in advanced mathematics & nuclear physics,
installs that certificate on his PC, and tells his PC to trust all
software that is signed with that certificate.

I have no idea whether the end-user steps could be automated, eg. by
an install program. And if they *could*, this would, of course,
destroy the utility of the whole idea, because then, any evil person
could automatically cause their software to be trusted on the target


Tim Ferguson

(e-mail address removed) (TC) wrote in
I have no idea whether the end-user steps could be automated, eg. by
an install program. And if they *could*, this would, of course,
destroy the utility of the whole idea, because then, any evil person
could automatically cause their software to be trusted on the target

<cynical>This being Microsoft, I'm sure it's a user option somewhere...
</cynical> :)

All the best

Tim F

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