Using Drop Down list to an If Statement to another Drop Down list


Tyler B

Hello all,

I am trying to do something I can't quite figure out.

I am trying to take a selection from a drop down list on one sheet, cop
it to another sheet, then use that selection and an IF statement tha
will then control the drop down list I see. Confusing I am sure... S
here is an example as best I can make it at this time.

Real world Example:
Sheet 1
A1 = Drop Down of OS (AIX, LINUX, WINDOWS)

Sheet 2
A1 = Copy of the choice from Sheet 1 - A1 (=IF(LEN(TRIM('Shee
1'!A1))>0,TRIM('Sheet 1'!A1),"")
?? = If statement saying if AIX, then your drop down list is limited t
Sheet 3 - A1:A5
A2 = Shows the drop down list utilizing Sheet 3 - A1:A5

Sheet 3
A1:A5 (Text Values)

I have seen the code from the IF statement on, but I can't get the I
statement to work with a drop down selection, it just shows me #VALUE

Claus Busch

Hi Tyler,

Am Mon, 8 Apr 2013 17:18:35 +0000 schrieb Tyler B:
Sheet 1
A1 = Drop Down of OS (AIX, LINUX, WINDOWS)

Sheet 2
A1 = Copy of the choice from Sheet 1 - A1 (=IF(LEN(TRIM('Sheet
1'!A1))>0,TRIM('Sheet 1'!A1),"")
?? = If statement saying if AIX, then your drop down list is limited to
Sheet 3 - A1:A5
A2 = Shows the drop down list utilizing Sheet 3 - A1:A5

Sheet 3
A1:A5 (Text Values)

name the range Sheet3 A1:A5 "AIX"
Select Sheet2 A2 => Data => Data Validation => List => =Indirect(A1)

Claus Busch

Tyler B

Claus said:
Hi Tyler,

Am Mon, 8 Apr 2013 17:18:35 +0000 schrieb Tyler B:

name the range Sheet3 A1:A5 "AIX"
Select Sheet2 A2 => Data => Data Validation => List => =Indirect(A1)

Claus Busch


Thank you for the reply, this worked.
However I realized i messed up in my example so have had to re-write i

I can get the one to work, just trying to figure out how to do the man
options that I need.

Sheet 1
A1 = Drop Down of OS (AIX, Linux, Windows)

Sheet 2
A1 = Copy of the choice from Sheet 1 - A1:
?? = If statement saying if blank, do nothing, if AIX (Linux o
Windows), then have a drop down list that is limited to Sheet3 - B1:B5
C1:C5, or D1:D5 (Respectively)
B2 = Shows the drop down list utilizing Sheet 3 - B1:B5, C1:C5, o

Sheet 3
A1:A5 (List of OS)
B1:B5 (LIst of AIX - AIX Small, AIX Medium, AIX Large)
C1:C5 (List of Linux - Linux Small, Linux Medium, Linux Large)
D1:D5 (LIst of Windows - Windows Small, Windows Medium, Windows Large

Claus Busch

Hi Tyler,

Am Tue, 9 Apr 2013 15:00:52 +0000 schrieb Tyler B:
I can get the one to work, just trying to figure out how to do the many
options that I need.

Sheet 1
A1 = Drop Down of OS (AIX, Linux, Windows)
Sheet 3
A1:A5 (List of OS)
B1:B5 (LIst of AIX - AIX Small, AIX Medium, AIX Large)
C1:C5 (List of Linux - Linux Small, Linux Medium, Linux Large)
D1:D5 (LIst of Windows - Windows Small, Windows Medium, Windows Large)

please look here:!191
for the workbook "Tyler"

Claus Busch

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