Using SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP together?



hi ..

i am trying to create a database for some products, i am working with
multiple sheets now the problem i am facing is this ... i want to sum
up the quantities of a product of a particular month and diplay it..
for eg: 'sheet 1'

Partno Quantity Date
121 400 7/20/06
121 500 7/21/06
122 300 7/22/06
122 400 8/23/06

now the second sheet 'sheet 2' will be like this

Partno Month Total Qunatity
121 July 900
122 July 300
122 Aug 400

the partno and the month will be given by the user so i cannot set
those feilds to be equal to some value rather it has to sort thru the
data, i tried using SUMPRODUCTwith VLOOKUP and also IF function but it
always ends up giving me some error...
can someone please help me...


João Araújo

Hello Adi!
One solution could be:
the first cell of your table of sheet1 with the formula:
Col B is Partno, C Quantity and D Date;

On Sheet2 the formula for col C =SUMIF(Sheet1!A:A;A2&";"&B2;C:C)

Hope this help!
João Araújo

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