using tab control

  • Thread starter hotrod1952 via
  • Start date

hotrod1952 via

I am a newbie to tab controls on forms... My data for the tabs comes from two
tables. I have a query(stored) built to get the records I want.
SELECT WO.WOID, Asset.AssetID, WO.WOComment, WO.DateCreated
FROM WO INNER JOIN Asset ON WO.AssetNo = Asset.AssetNo
GROUP BY WO.WOID, Asset.AssetID, WO.WOComment, WO.DateCreated, WO.ReasonCode
HAVING (((WO.DateCreated)>=[Forms]![MAINTDateInput]![Combo0] And (WO.
DateCreated)<DateAdd("d",1,[Forms]![MAINTDateInput]![Combo4])) AND ((WO.
ORDER BY Asset.AssetID, WO.DateCreated;
Using a specific date range from my date input form I am returning 33 records.
Of these 33 I am returning a field(AssetID) which there are 7 that have two
What I want to do is evaluate(count) the records of the [AssetID] in this
sample data (26). and have that many 26 tab pages on my form. Then I would
like to have on each page a list of each WOID,WOComment,Date Created. for the
To sum up open date input form enter date range. call query populate # tab
controls for each asset. displaying on each page the record or records that
apply to each asset.
A better way to accomplish this?

Jeff Boyce

Do I understand you correctly? You are trying to generate 26 tabs on a

Have you ever seen 26 tabs on a form? This "solution" sounds like you are
punishing your users for something they did!<g>

If you'll explain a bit more what business need you're trying to solve, and
less about the "how" you have settled on solving it, folks here may be able
to offer alternatives easier for both you and your users.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer

John W. Vinson

A better way to accomplish this?

Absolutely! A Continuous Subform with navigation controls so that you can
scroll through 26... or 260, or 2600... related records.

hotrod1952 via

John said:
Absolutely! A Continuous Subform with navigation controls so that you can
scroll through 26... or 260, or 2600... related records.
Thanks Guys for you input. You are correct a continuous Subform is a better
way to go.

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