utility reference Access 2003



I have had Office 2003 sp2 recently installed. Now one of my mde db's
fails with a missing reference error. It still works on my friends PC
with sp1. If I make another mde from the mdb it works for me but not
my friend. I suspect the utility reference is causing the problem so I
opened the related mdb and then the Object Browser in the vb editor
and selected the utility library. I then did a search for the syntax
of all the members and found nothing in the entire project. After that
I removed the utility reference and made another mde. This one works
on both our PC's.

Can I safely assume the database does not require the utility


Yes, if you can make an mde, you don't need the reference.

The utility reference was a default reference in Access 2.0,
where parts of the Access environment where written in
Access. It just remained as an almost empty stub when
the content was re-written in C/C++. MDB's converted
from older versions retained references to the stub, and
they sometimes only worked on PC's that had the older
version installed.


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