Variables in Query Strings



I am a novice at programming and I am sure there may be more efficient
ways to accomplish the same task but I am attempting to emulate a
recorded macro in Excel and substitute variables for the folder path
(blue) and the file name (green). The recorded macro is as follows:

Sub Macro1

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DSN=Timberline Estimating Data;DBQ=G:
), Array("0;DatabaseType=2;")), Destination:=Range("A1"))
.CommandText = Array( "SELECT * FROM ""308 NORTH RODEO DR
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With

End Sub

I have successfully created functions that provide the folder path
(FolderFromPath) and the file name (GetEstimateName).

Sub Macro2

FolderFromPath (strFullPath)
CoverpageQuery = GetEstimateName & "_PEE_ESTIMATE_COVERPG_SETUP"

' Connection String
ConnString = "ODBC;DSN=Timberline Estimating
Data;DBQ=FolderFromPath;" '

' Query String
QueryString = "SELECT * FROM CoverpageQuery"

Array("0;DatabaseType=2;")), Destination:=Range("A1"))
.CommandText = QueryString
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
End Sub

I seem to be having trouble with the connection and query strings and
passing them to the With statement. The FolderFromPath variable does
not to work in the ConnString. The CoverpageQuery is passed to the
QueryString with single quotes. I'm not sure how to accomodate the
double quotes. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


<[email protected]> schreef in bericht

I think you should try it like this:

'Connection String
    ConnString = "ODBC;DSN=Timberline Estimating
Data;DBQ=" & FolderFromPath- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Would you have any suggestions for the double quotes in the
QueryString or Coverpagequery

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