VB and I can't close the excel file



in the following, there is a simple excel file open, write and close code.
It works in my desktop computer very well, I mean it opens the file, writes
something and close the file.

but in my laptop, it doesn't close. It continues to appear in the task
manager, in every time when I used the program, I have to close it in task
manager or it will increase as I used the program mean there is
5,6,7...excel.exe program in the task manager.

what should I do ?
thank you.

Dim XLSapp As Excel.Application
Dim XLSbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim XLSsheet As Object

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set XLSapp = New Excel.Application
Set XLSbook = XLSapp.Workbooks.Open("c:/test.xls")
Set XLSsheet = XLSbook.Worksheets(1).Cells

XLSsheet(4, 4) = "abc"

Set XLSsheet = Nothing
XLSbook.Close savechanges:=True
Set XLSbook = Nothing
Set XLSapp = Nothing

End Sub

Dave Peterson

The snippet of code you posted worked fine for me. I only had the existing
instance of excel left running after my 3-4 tests.

You may want to make the application visible to help debugging.

XLSapp.visible = true

And if you have other object variables (that you didn't include in your
snippet), make sure they're set to nothing, too.


Hi again,
I found the problem as encarta.
I had installed the ms encarta, when I uninstall, the problem gone.
Thank you, have a nice day.

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