VB / MDB access through Internet?

  • Thread starter Gerhard K. Ziran
  • Start date

Gerhard K. Ziran

I am looking for a possibility to access MDB files stored on a W2003 server
from VB programs over the internet. I am aware that MDBs as such do not
easily lend themselves to that approach, however, I need to find a quick
solution if possible. Using SQL Server is out of the question, due to time
and budget restraints. This will not be a high-traffic application, but it
needs to support multiple users (<= ~10).

Is there any trick, method, middleware or add-on available that would allow
me to read, add and edit data in the Access Database from VB6 apps, through
the internet?

Or is there another low-cost database solution out there?

Any hints would be appreciated ....



Computer philosophy: I boot, therefore I am


* a vpn tunnel to get into the network securely probably from your firewall
vendor plus some software on your pc

* a commercial service GoToMyPC.com they are ok. You need to have a PC
running in the office; but otherwise it is like being in the office , though
of course slower.

* terminal server via microsoft server if your remote location is an office
where you are all located together - probably most robust solution for a
serious corporate requirement...

* Intuit's QuickBase is commercial web based database - is reasonable....

others will have suggestions too....

Gerhard K. Ziran

Thanks, but not quite what I am looking for. I actually need to create a VB
database application, o be executed on local PCs with the database file
residing on an internet (or web) server instead of a local server; VPN or
gotmypc will not help with that. I have already considered TS, but I need
to process local data as well and update the remote database. I'll have a
look at QuickBase, though.


I use QuickBase if it must be browser based, one wishes to move fast, no
infrastructure, and not needing web site. But you won't have vb style
customization. The reporting is ok, but somewhat simple but there is user
based security to segment users from data.

Obviously going ASP or PHP - with a full web server based solution is far
more robust/flexible but at a whole other magnitude of complexity and cost....

Albert D. Kallal

To be executed on local PCs with the database file residing on an internet
(or web) server instead of a local server; VPN

Actually, in the case of MS access databases, you do have to use a vpn.

Remember, when you open an MS access database file, even via ODBC, you're
still opening a standard windows file (if you look close at the odbc
connection string, you'll see a standard windows file name "path name" that
MUST resolve to standard windows file name sitting on the hard drive.

You would no more ask how to use PowerPoint over the Internet, then you
would ask how to open a mdb file over the internet.

a windows file is a windows file is a windows file

a horse is a horse is a horse

What this means is that no matter how you want to connect the database,
you're going to need to be able to see the file sitting in a folder on the
hard drive. I should specify that we should not be using the word "connect"
to the database, but you should be asking how can we OPEN a standard windows
file over the Internet (don't make me sing the horse song again). As I said
before, opening an excel file, or opening an access database is the same
process, and you need the windows file system to do this (and if a couple
people are in an office, then you need the windows networking system which
extends the file system over the network).

Right now about the only way I know to extend the windows file system and
networking system over the Internet is to setup and use a VPN. If you're
going to read data from a windows file, you're gonna need to see the file
and be able two open as plain Jane file. Once again, I can't stress that
you're simply opening a file sitting in a hard drive, and windows doesn't
care if it's PowerPoint, AutoCAD, or in this case MS access.

You could perhaps develop a web site that has some type of web services or
even just use http commands to shuffle data back and forth.

You could also consider writing some little socket program running on the
one computer on the server, and then have your client software on the
desktops connect via this little socket communications system you build. Of
course, now you're writing winsock code and creating a bunch of little other
issues you have to deal with.

On at the other hand, since SQL server is now free, there's really little
benefit here for you to attempt to roll your own system when it's been
written for you already. SQL server is a socket based connection system, and
is not a windows networking file based system (this is why you can so easily
use SQL server over the Internet).

There's also a number of other solutions that you could look into, and I
give some solutions on how to use MS access databases over the Internet here


Gerhard K. Ziran

Thanks Albert.

I did not know all the gory details, but I already expected MDB files
themselves will not be accessible directly - I was hoping their was some
kind of middleware layer out there.

I have read somewhere that SQL 2005 Express (or is it now 2008?) is free,
but aren't there some user limitations as with the older MSDE? Or is this
now kind of the new Jet engine?


Albert D. Kallal

Gerhard K. Ziran said:
Thanks Albert.

I did not know all the gory details, but I already expected MDB files
themselves will not be accessible directly - I was hoping their was some
kind of middleware layer out there.

I have read somewhere that SQL 2005 Express (or is it now 2008?) is free,
but aren't there some user limitations as with the older MSDE? Or is this
now kind of the new Jet engine?

No, there is a just a processor + file size limitation now. So, it not
throttled like the old version.

And, while I did like the MSDE, it did not come with any decent tools. the
new free express edition of Sql server comes with free (and decent) sql
management tool. So, the new free edition is really nice now, and it not
throttled. A lot of people, especially ms-access people are now using this
free engine because it runs so fantastic, and it has the right price....

And, no...Sql express is not the new jet!...that's called ACE!

download sql server here:


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