VBA question ActiveWindow



Hello all,
I am trying to get this working from within Access VBA:

Public Function PowerpointWEBoutput()
Dim ppApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim ppPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim ppSlide1 As PowerPoint.Slide
Set ppApp = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
Set ppPres = ppApp.Presentations.Add(msoTrue)
Set ppSlide1 = ppPres.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutText)

"MY TEXT", "Arial Black", 36#, msoFalse, msoFalse, 210.38, 244.75).Select
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
.IncrementLeft -9.12
.IncrementTop -161.88
End With
End Function

It does not work and comes all the times with an error message about the
ActiveWindow not working....can somebody tell how to solve this?


Dirk Goldgar

Rob said:
Hello all,
I am trying to get this working from within Access VBA:

Public Function PowerpointWEBoutput()
Dim ppApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim ppPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim ppSlide1 As PowerPoint.Slide
Set ppApp = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
Set ppPres = ppApp.Presentations.Add(msoTrue)
Set ppSlide1 = ppPres.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutText)

"MY TEXT", "Arial Black", 36#, msoFalse, msoFalse, 210.38, 244.75).Select
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
.IncrementLeft -9.12
.IncrementTop -161.88
End With
End Function

It does not work and comes all the times with an error message about the
ActiveWindow not working....can somebody tell how to solve this?

I don't know anything about PowerPoint, but I'd expect that you need to
qualify ActiveWindow with a reference to the PowerPoint application object:

ppApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes.AddTextEffect( ...

With ppApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange


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