VBS/VBA difference



In vbs, I can parse an XML file with the following code:
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0")
If (IsObject(xmlDoc) = False) Then
alert("DOM document not created. Check MSXML version used in
End If
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.load xmlFile
If xmlDoc.parseError.errorcode = 0 Then
'Walk from the root to each of its child nodes:
Wscript.echo "There was an error in : " & xmlFile &" Line: " &
xmlDoc.parseError.line & " Column: " & xmlDoc.parseError.linepos
End If

Function treeWalk(node)
For Each child In node.childNodes
If (child.hasChildNodes) Then
End If
End Function

When I try to do this in Excel VBA, it chokes on the line "treeWalk(xmlDoc)"
saying Object doesn't support this property or method. I tried changing the
function definition to include As all-sorts-of-things, no change. I do have
Microsoft XML 4.0 included in the VBA Project References.

I'm obviously overlooking something basic (Visually Basic, that is). Can
someone point me in the right direction?

Tom Ogilvy

You need to remove the () around your object arguments. In VBA, it violates
syntax to enclose an argument in parens unless you are passing it to a
function that returns a value or you a using the CALL method.

this worked fine for me:

Sub AAA()
xmlFile = "L:\Dataspec.xml"
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0")
If IsObject(xmlDoc) = False Then
'alert ("DOM document not created. " & _
"Check MSXML version used in createXmlDomDocument.")
End If
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.validateOnParse = False
xmlDoc.Load xmlFile
If xmlDoc.parseError.errorcode = 0 Then
'Walk from the root to each of its child nodes:
treeWalk xmlDoc
' Wscript.echo "There was an error in : " & xmlFile &" Line: " &
'xmlDoc.parseError.line & " Column: " & xmlDoc.parseError.linepos
End If
End Sub

Function treeWalk(node)
For Each child In node.childNodes

If child.hasChildNodes Then
treeWalk child
End If
End Function


Thanks, Tom! It was originally written as a function but not returning a
value, so I changed it to a Sub. That probably explains it.



Tom followed up with a nice post ....


Be certain that you add "Microsoft Scripting 1.0" in your reference
library - you might hit the lucky jackpot and get a definition for
that object.

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